Sasuke's Departure

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I wake out of my sleep feeling my stomach clench up and immediatley swing out of my open window to run through Konoha knowing something is happening that I don't know about, but it doesn't matter considering it inovolves Sasuke which makes it my buisness. He may not want me to butt intio his business but he's family to me which makes me worry over him despite kowing that he hates when I care about him. He's so used to pushing people away that he doesn't want anyone to care about him which is such a nuiscense becasue he needs help sometimes, but he won't accept anyone's help. I land in a tree seeing him and Sakura on the road leaving out of the village before I hear her pleading with him not to leave the villlage behind. I tut knowing this was going to happen eventually and shift ready to stop him long enough that we can talk when he moves behind Sakura shocking me into action. I land in front of Sakura looking at the two making their eyes widen before he hits her pressure point knocking her unconcious and he places her on a bench before turning to me.

"Are you going to try and convince me not to leave the village as well?" He asks in a cold tone making the ends of my lips quirk up.

"I already know that whatever I say to keep you here will not prevent you from leaving the village, but I want you to listen to what I'm about to tell you since I know already who you're going to. Orochimaru does not give anything for free and I should know that the best out of most of the people here in the village. Orochimaru experimented on me when I was two years old Sasu-nii and gave me something that I have finally learned how to control, but it's something that should have stayed dead. Orochimaru may give you power, but it's going to come at a price that I hope you are willing to pay because if you aren't ready to pay it then maybe you should rethink what you're doing."

"I will do anything it takes to grow strong enough to defeat my brother and you already know this. Why would you allow me to leave the village knowing what my plan is in the long run?"

"Isn't it obvious Sasu-nii? It's not my place to tell you what to do with your life, but I hope you make the right decisions regarding your life. I hold no familial sway over you because we are in no way related, but I do view you as an older brother that perhaps just needs a bit of guidance. No matter what I say you are going to leave the village to meet with Orochimaru and you will never be the same once you give into his power. He'll always be watching you so stay safe since I'm not there to get you out of a sticky situation. I'll watch over Sakura for a few hours before going home."

He nods before I hug him tightly knowing that there is nothing that I can say that will make him stay despite the fact that I wish he would stay. This is where our lives will part ways for now, but one day we will come back together making me give a sad smile. I was hoping that perhaps I could convince him to not go to Orochimaru, but Jiraya is correct on Sasuke. Sasuke's only reason for living right now is to kill Itachi and once he succeeds he will feel empty inside because it will not bring his family back. I'm about to go over to Sakura and sit with her before someone comes looking around when Sasuke says something making me stop in my steps.

"Kakashi was right when he said there was no way I could ever hurt you. Somehow I've come to view you as my little sister which makes me protective of you. I'll see you around Yuki."

I give a smile watching him leave the village behind without too much thought on what is going to happen to him. Hell is going to come tomorrow when everyone realises that Sasuke left the village in the middle of the night without a problem. Naruto and Sakura are going to be incredibly upset and want a search party to go after Sasuke, but I won't participate in it.

Hours pass as Sakura stays unconscious making me purse my lips before I feel Izumo and Kotetsu coming our way exactly as planned. I jump into a tree concealing my chakra before watching them come over to see Sakura on the bench. They wake her up and once she explains everything they send her home before going to the Hokage tower. I shadow them until they make it to the front door before running back home knowing I'm going to be questioned in the morning. I enter through my window before closing it and sitting on my bed feeling wired from the earlier situation. Without a doubt I know that Sakura will go to Lady Tsunade early in the morning as soon as she is awake which means I will be summoned to give my account of what happened. I hear the front door open before sensing the chakra signature and relaxing once I feel that Uncle Shi has come home from his mission. I hear him go straight to his room before I summon Ren and Kishan putting a finger to my lips. They nod and I pat my bed before curling up with both of my tigers knowing it will make me feel better.

"Guys Sasu-nii has left the village to gain power from Orochimaru just like I feared and as I thought I could not keep him in the village. I'm probably going to be summoned in the morning and Sakura is going to be upset considering I didn't stop Sasuke from leaving."

"You've finally made a decision, haven't you?" Kishan asks quietly.

"I'm going to prevent any death that could happen from the battle because Ita-nii doesn't deserve to die like that. I'm going to save him and perhaps one day he will be able to come home not as a criminal. Good night."

They answer back as I allow my eyes to slip shut knowing that I'll be summoned in just a few hours.

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