Team Seven Nominated

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I quickly change before heading to the Hokage office where I fly through the window startling Iruka and the Anbu. I look up from the floor to see all the confused looks I am getting and grin. I stand up stretching before standing next to Oji-san facing the Hokage. He has an amused smile on his lips as he puffs on his pipe. Oji-san ruffles my hair making me give him a huge smile despite the lack of sleep I have right now.

"Sorry for being late ojii-san. I got sidetracked helping one of my new friends from Suna."

"I knew you would end up befriending all three of the Suna ninja once you met them. Alright let's get down to why we are here. The Chunin exams are upcoming and if you believe your team is ready and they have the mission numbers then you may nominate them."

"I, Kakashi Hatake jonin sensei of Genin team 7 nominate my team for the Chunin exams."

This goes in for the other two genin teams who just graduated as well as Gai's team. I barely smile proud of my friends for being nominated for this years exam. Perhaps I will see how Gai's team has improved since I last fought with them. All of this is broken when Iruka attempts to interject his opinions about the new genin. Oji-san responds in response to what Iruka says and I nod agreeing with him in this situation. Aunt Kurenai looks surprised at what oji-san says and tries to scold him for what she sees as his harsh words. Before oji-san can say anything I step forward to speak making them look at me.

"Aunt Kurenai I understand that you believe oji-san has spoken far too harshly, but his words are true. Iruka if I can vouch for the teams would that set you more at ease? I've known them for a while and I wholeheartedly believe they can do this. I know they were once your students and you are worried, but all of the senseis that have taught these teams are competent. They would not send their teams to their deaths and I can tell you they will all make it."

He still looks upset, but he can't argue with me. I would be able to tell if they were ready and I would not allow oji-san to send my team in if I didn't believe in them. The Hokage gives a smile seeing the exchanges going on and I give him a serious look effectively saying I need to talk to him. He gives a small nod as the others begin leaving the room, but oji-san remains at my side. Once everyone leaves I sense the Anbu leave as well making me nod before stepping forward.

"Ojii-san are you aware that there is a Jinkuricki in the group from Suna?"

"I am. Is that who you were with that made you late?"

"Shukaku doesn't allow him to sleep without showing him things from his past. So, I helped him sleep last night and stayed with him until the sun came up before realising we had a meeting this morning. He thinks I somehow soothed Shukaku because he slept without any interruptions and Shukaku didn't take over at all."

"Does Shukaku normally take over while he is asleep?"

"He didn't verbally say anything, but if I were to hazard a guess then it would be yes. I think Shukaku also helps with controlling the sand in his gourd considering his siblings reactions to the sand touching me yesterday."

They both raise their eyebrows at the wording making my lips purse once I realise what they're thinking. I sigh before whacking oji-san in the back of the head making him look at me. I cross my arms over my chest with a raised eyebrow before he looks away making me snort.

"Not in that way. It's more of an unconscious reaction and he wrapped the sand around my ankle. He did it while walking in the village which let me know he wasn't comfortable around all the villagers. He wasn't even consciously making the decision and every time the sand came close to me his siblings looked scared. Do you think he uses the sand to kill his enemies?"

"It is the way he dispatches his enemies which is why you should be careful around him."

"Gaara-chan won't hurt me ojii-san. Something about my presence soothes him plus his brother is a puppet master."

Ojii-san gives a smile when I say that before Uncle Shi and I have to go inform the team they've got a chance to enter the Chunin exams. Naruto is going to be incredibly excited and Sasuke will be as well though he will hide it. I don't know how Sakura will react to the news after all of the missions we have done recently. I yawn before hoping on Uncle Shi's back resting my chin on his shoulder making him look at me.

"You really stayed up all night watching over this kid?"

"That's what friends do right? They're there for you to lean on when you can't hold yourself up anymore, right? Gaara-chan hasn't slept in a long time and I can spare a few hours to help him sleep without nightmares."

I start drifting for a bit when I feel him pat my head making me give a sleepy smile. I only wake up because Uncle Shi shifts making me look up sleepily to see Naruto on the ground in front of him. I huff before attempting to go back to sleep feeling exhausted after staying up all night. Keyword attempt because Naruto begins yelling making me sigh before looking at them.

"What's wrong with Yu-chan?" He shouts at oji-san making me purse my lips.

"She just stayed up helping someone last night and didn't sleep so she's tired. Don't forget to turn your forms in three days from now."

I close my eyes when he teleports and sleepily crawl off his back before going to my bedroom. I crawl under the covers before falling into a dreamless sleep.

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