Nightmares and Training

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*Third P.O.V.*

Everyone is sleeping peacefully in the small house they are at except for Kakashi who is reading his book when he gets a familiar sense of worry. It always happens right before Yuki has one of her nightmares so he slowly get off the bed opening the door as the first scream rings throughout the house. He tries to make it as quickly as possible, but he's still injured which means he's not a hundred percent just yet. He opens the door to see the look of raw pain on her face before crossing over to sit on the edge of the bed and shakes her shoulders gently knowing it will work like magic. Her screams immediately die off as she wakes up and like usual she latches onto him. He swings her into a more comfortable position just as everyone walks into the room to see who has been screaming so loudly like that. Tsunami has a concerned look cross her face seeing the way Yuki clings to Kakashi like a small child would to their parent after a nightmare. Sakura scoffs seeing Yuki look so weak making everyone look at her in surprise except for Sasuke who keeps all emotion from his face.

"How old are you?" Tsunami questions the genin.

"We are all twelve, but we're Shinobi which means we aren't supposed to show emotion like she so easily is." Sakura sneers.

"Says the girl who tries to impress a guy who doesn't give a shit what you do. You'll never be able to understand me Sakura because you have everything you could ever hope for. You have your parents with you every single day, but I bet it never crosses your mind how fleeting life is."

"Well it must be your fault that you aren't with your parents." She says sparking the anger that burns deeply within Yuki.

"Do you truly believe that a ten-year-old would want to see their mother murdered by enemy ninja right in front of her and to go against every instinct in her? That the child wants to go to their father but knows that their mother's last wish to go to a village where only one of her blood is still there is more important. I came to Konoha knowing there was a possibility that my mother told no one that I was born as a sense of protection for me. I entered a village I only heard stories of in hopes that my mother was correct that it would accept me and allow me to be protected for a short time. Are you happy to know about my past now?"

Yuki carefully stands up despite the fact that she is still weak from chakra exhaustion before stopping in the doorway to catch her breath. It takes her a second before she leaves the room and they all hear the front door slam shut despite the exhaustion she has. Kakashi heaves a sigh knowing he won't see her until morning when she's decided she has cooled down enough, but his eyes stray over to Inari who is glaring at Sakura. He's obviously confused as to how this child became so angry all of a sudden over their conversation.

"How dare you treat onee-chan like that?" He shouts at Sakura.

"I wondered if you remembered her Inari. It seems you forgot the small girl Inari brought home father."

"Wait that little girl is the same one who has been protecting me?" Tazuna questions in shock.

"I recognised her almost immediately, but I have a feeling she doesn't remember us. The day she left was a few days before her mother was killed I believe considering we heard the news not long after. It's possible she's repressed her memories in a way to protect herself."

"Well we should all go back to sleep considering Yuki won't be back until morning. She'll be fine in about an hour with her chakra, but she'll want to calm her emotions down so she won't hurt anyone. Sakura please be patient with Yuki because she's different from all of us. She's learned from such a young age that emotions aren't good for a Shinobi and began thinking probably at the age of two that's how she is supposed to be. She's a bit more open with some people, but otherwise she shows no emotion to anyone."

Everyone goes back to sleep even Kakashi because everyone eventually needs their sleep especially after a long battle.

*Yuki's P.O.V.*

After a few hours I finally calm down after meditating when I hear my team coming to where I'm sitting meditating. As I crack my eyes open an orange blur launches itself at me causing me to blink. Naruto wraps his arms around me causing my brows to furrow in confusion not understanding why he is acting like this. All I did was walk out into the forest to meditate so why is he so worried about me? Uncle Shi gives a soft smile when Naruto finally moves back with a sheepish smile and my lips quirk up at the ends before I stand up.

"Alright these three are going to work on chakra control while you Yuki are going to work on getting a summoning."

"Yes! I've been waiting to learn how to do this!" I say excited to learn something new.

Once he shows the other three what to do he sends Sakura to guard Tazuna before sitting in front of me. He pulls out a scroll before opening it and I see all the past people who signed this contract. I run my hand over my mother's name with a soft smile before using a kunai to prick my finger and grin signing my name in blood next to my mother's. After that I practice the signs Uncle Shi has shown me for a bit before they become familiar to me. Once I believe I am ready I add chakra and for a few hours nothing happens causing me to growl in annoyance as my uncle squats in front of me.

"Not everything is going to be quite so easy for you Yuki. Take a deep breath then try again." He says before giving me a smile and ruffling my hair.

I take a deep breath before gathering the last bit of chakra I can use while pricking my finger and rapidly make the signs before slamming my hand on the ground. I feel my chakra drain and give a smile seeing smoke appear in front of me. The smoke clears and I see a white tiger cub sitting before me causing a grin to form on my face. This is the one summoning who will be my main summoning for the rest of my life and we lock eyes.

"Are you the person who summoned me?" The cub says with a bit of confusion in his voice.

"I am. My name is Yuki Hatake. What's your name?"

"My name is Ren and it is nice to meet you master."

"Nope. I don't want you calling me master. Just call me Yuki considering we're equals Ren. Can I carry you to show my uncle that I managed to summon you?"

"Of course, let's go Yuki!" He says before jumping into my arms.

I quickly sense for Uncle Shi before finding him not far away and start walking in his direction. After a few minutes we can finally see them and he looks up hearing my footsteps as I give a huge grin. I run up to him before he gives a smile seeing my summoning animal. Ren looks shocked and makes a squeaking noise st the sight of my uncle.

"Yuki you didn't tell me your uncle was Kakashi. That must make Juzo your mother. I can't wait to tell my dad when I get home." Ren says excited making me laugh.

"Uncle Shi this is Ren my summoning animal."

"A white tiger cub just like your mother and if I'm correct his father was Juzo's summoning tiger."

"That's why Juzo stopped summoning my father almost three years ago. We though something bad had happened, but we were unsure. Ah Yuki your chakra is about to be depleted which means I can't stay."

I'm about to say something when he poofs away and I feel light headed before I pass out.

*A/N: The picture above is Ren when Yuki summons him. Thank you for reading!*

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