Welcome to Konoha

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*Yuki's P.O.V.*

I look to the gatekeepers who have flinched back at the emotionless look I have put on my face to protect myself. I can't have anyone seeing my emotions and using them to manipulate me in any situation that appears. I walk over to them as they carefully asses me for any threats, but they relax thinking I pose no threat because I'm only ten years old. How wrong they are and they should be glad that I don't kill people because it would be all too easy without anyone being the wiser.

"I must speak to Hokage-sama about Juzo Hatake."

Their eyes widen before an Anbu member appears to take me to the Hokage while my eyes take in my surroundings the whole time as we walk in the village. The villagers all wave to me when we turn a corner and a blonde kid is almost thrown into me making me take a step back in shock as the owner yells at the poor kid. Without a thought I bend down and offer my hand to the boy who looks shocked before hesitantly placing his hand in mine. I help him up with a small smile before I frown seeing the scrapes all over him from the tumble he just took and automatically use medical jutsu to heal his wounds barely hearing the mumbling around us. Once I've finished healing him I give him a small smile before patting his head making him blink.

"You should get home with it being so late. My name is Yuki."

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to become Hokage one day! Believe it!"

I hear the Anbu escorting me snort making me turn on him with my arms crossed and a glare that scares Hidan. The Anbu flinches back before he continues to lead me to the Hokage building where he goes to a door and knocks waiting for a reply. After a second a reply comes from within and the Anbu opens the door for me before disappearing making me raise my eyebrow. Either there are more Anbu hidden inside or they are really lack in security. Upon entering I sense hidden ninja around the room making me give a nod before I move forward bowing to the Hokage as my mother taught me. When I look up the Hokage gives me a kind smile as he smokes on his pipe even though no emotion comes across my face.

"Hokage-sama I have been sent to you so that I may speak to you about Juzo Hatake, but this is only for your ears from what I have been told to say."

"Who told you to say this, child?" He says confused with a tad bit of worry.

"Juzo Hatake told me herself sir."

He nods and I feel all the ninja from before leave before I sit down in the chair in front of his desk as he watches me. I carefully watch him and quickly asses the type of person he is before relaxing slightly knowing he won't let anything bad happen to me. I feel like I can trust him with my story, but there is one person that also needs to be here and that is my uncle who I haven't met before. I can only hope that he won't hate me once he hears what has happened to my mother because I won't be able to take that. He's one of the last of my blood family and I would like to have a good relationship with him.

"May I ask that you find someone else that needs to hear this story because it pertains to them as well?"

"Who do you need to be here, child?"

"Kakashi Hatake should be here for this story since his sister is involved with it and she wishes for him to hear what I am going to say."

He nods and after a second, he sends a message out to what I am assuming is my uncle which makes me hold tightly to my skirt. What am I going to do if my uncle isn't even aware that I was born ten years ago? What if they don't believe a word I say? Well I could show them the Chidori that my mother taught me because she told me that only her and her brother were the ones that knew the jutsu. I can feel the Hokage look at my hands that are fisted in my skirt tightly when I sense someone appear in the room and take a deep breath.

"Hokage-sama you wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes, come stand beside me Kakashi. This child says she has information on your sister."

I see a shock of silver hair that calms me considering it looks like my mother's and for a second, tears threaten to spill from my eyes, but I don't allow them. He moves to the Hokage's side before turning to look at me and his eyes widen before they narrow looking at me. I quickly study him before turning to the Hokage knowing I can't keep him waiting with the information that I am holding. I take another deep breath to calm my emotions before I begin speaking.

"Juzo Hatake was murdered by enemy ninja less than an hour ago, but that is not all you need to know. As you are probably aware she has been in hiding from some enemy that she wouldn't allow me to know about. The news that I am about to give you will shock you and I'm sorry I'm the one that has to tell you. My name is Yuki and my mother was Juzo Hatake, but she left me with my father when I was only a few months old because the enemy was coming and she couldn't protect me. I've only been with my mother for the last year and for the beginning of my life until then I have been with my father and his acquaintances."

"Who is your father, child?"

"Sasori from the Sand village. If you do not believe me I can show you something that will convince you that my mother is Juzo Hatake and my father is Sasori."

The Hokage nods and I gather the chakra in my palm before allowing the Chidori to form in front of their eyes. It is silent as the jutsu creates a chirping noise before I release it. Before they can say anything, I pull a scroll from my back and perform the necessary hand signs that allow the puppet to come free. At first, they think it is an ordinary puppet until I show them the symbol my father put on the puppets chest and I see the recognition in their eyes before I put it away. I place the scroll back in its place before looking at them, but they are looking at one another.

"Kakashi were you aware that your sister had a child?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama, but she never told me who the father was and she told me she could not come back right now. She did send me a recent picture of her child that I have on me."

He pulls the photo from his pocket before looking at me and the picture with wide eyes that has the Hokage nodding. My uncle passes the photo to the Hokage who looks at it before looking at me and nodding seeing that it is me in the picture. My uncle puts the photo away before looking at the Hokage to see what he is going to say and I watch the Hokage as he studies me again. I become a bit uncomfortable under his gaze as it feels like he's trying to see if I would ever harm everyone and that makes me purse my lips together making him give a smile.

"Kakashi would you mind taking her in? Tomorrow she can meet some of your friends because there isn't a way for her to be at a genin level."

"Mama and Papa both agree that I would be classified as an S-Rank Ninja because of the Jutsu I know and how good my Taijutsu and Genjutsu are."

"I thought so with the amount of chakra you have. I will still place you in the Academy in a few days so that you can be with children around your age."

"Is Naruto going to be there? Do you know how some of the villagers treat him?"

"How do you know Naruto?" The Hokage says confused.

"A store owner threw him out and he almost hit me had I not stepped out of the way. They then called him some  very rude things before I healed him and told him it would be a good idea to go home since it was late."

"Do you know anything about the Nine Tails?"

"The Kyubbi name Kurama attacked Konoha ten years ago and was sealed away inside an undisclosed baby by the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze."

"How do you know all about that?"

"Itachi-nii told me when he met me once more. He's the reason I am so good at Genjutsu and Taijutsu. Naruto is the baby that had the Kyubbi placed inside of it, isn't he?"

"He is, but you cannot tell him nor may you tell any of the children at the Academy. Some of the villagers do not believe he is a child, but the fox spirit himself."

I nod and bow before Kakashi places me on his shoulders and teleports to his home. He leads me to a room before the two of us go to sleep for tomorrow.

*A/N: This tattoo and phrase is going to be incredibly important when this story gets further along and becomes even more important during Shippuden. Thanks for reading!*

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