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So anyways there's this Irish guy wandering on a cony island beach. He notices an antiquated oil lamp, and voila, a genie materializes after he rubs it. So the genie, excited to be released, quickly offers the Irish guy three wishes.

So the Irisher asks for a beer at first....pauses....and then corrects the order, asking for "a bottomless beer, a glass of beer that never gets empty". Bam, the genie eagerly grants the wish. So the Irisher sits down on the beach and gets to drinking. Every time he drains the glass, it magically fills up again, and he reclines on the sand, enjoying the sun, which is now beginning to set. Finally, the genie, getting impatient, demands to know the Irisher's next two wishes.

The Irisher looks up, looks back at his drink, ponders a beat, turns back to the genie, and says....

"I'll have two more of these."

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