White [15]

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I had to know. I had to do it. I had to confirm it. I had to make sure I was safe. These are the things I repeat over and over in my head whenever Kreed throws a glare in my direction. I tried to talk to him, to explain why I did this. What I figured out.

He snarled in my direction when I called his name. I reached out to touch his shoulder, only to have him cringe back baring his teeth. I tried not to let him affect my emotions, but seeing him behave so unkindly to me broke my heart. I just need one minute to explain. One minute to tell him the truth, but he'll never listen to me. He wouldn't be caught in a room with me.

Amy has stopped talking to me as well. She only comes into my room to bring me food then walks right back out. Word spread around the pack that I had disrespected their Alpha. They didnt take it lightly. After two two days of me trying to get Amy to talk to me, she decided to leave the food outside the door and knock to let me know the food was there. I've been locked in this room with no human interaction. I wasn't allowed to leave the room.

I spent most days mixing herbs and channeling power from crystals, practicing my abilities. I knew today I shouldn't be playing with my abilities since a full moon would be out tonight. The full moon made my abilities go haywire. For the night I would experience an overwhelming sense of power, it made wolves quiver in my presence. Tonight, the earth, the sky, the stars, and the wind will all bind with me.

I dip my finger into the green paste, painting two lines over my cheeks and rubbing it at my temples. This should help me stay in control. I place my stones and crystals by the open window, waiting for the moon to cast over it.

Knock. Knock. Click.

Dinner time.

I send a silent prayer to the rising moon then proceeded to the door. My foot steps were light, yet I could feel the vibration deep to my core. It's starting. I pull the door as softly as I can, only to have it rip off it hinges.


I place the door to the side then go to pick up my food and water. I carry my tray of food to my coffee table-


Black. The scene is black, not a soul in sight. My eyes wonder around, what the hell? I see myself walking in the darkness, going nowhere, yet going everywhere. My brain pounds against my skull, the tips of my fingers begin to sizzle.

A cat appears from nowhere. A white cat with red eyes. Its malnourished? The cat stalks towards me, looking at me quizzically. I bend down, kneeling in front of the cat, holding my hand out. It stares at me for a moment before latching its teeth into my arm. My scream echoes into the black abyss. It felt as if the cat were injecting me with its venom. My body convulses as I start to foam at the mouth. The pain grows stronger, causing a deathly shriek.

"Violet!" I barely hear over my screaming of horror. My eyes begin to bleed as the cat digs its teeth deeper into my arm.

"Violet!" A voice screams again, louder than my own. I watch as the cat unlatched from me and lays down in front of me, licking its paws, acting as if it never attacked me. I look down seeing my arm covered in blood, skin torn and a green substance leaking out. My frightened eyes look back to the small monster who attacked me.

It's gone.


A scream echoes in my ears as I see nothing but darkness again. I can feel my heart beating as if it were about to come out of my chest. My body is shivering, feeling drenched in sweat. I can still hear the screaming. Its deafening.

"Violet," someone shakes my body. "Open your eyes!" A panicked voice commands. I slowly allow my eyes to open. I turn my head seeing my new surroundings. Kreed is crouched in front of me, holding onto my shoulders, terror etched onto his face.

I was the one screaming.

I swallow the saliva building in my mouth, "what happened?" My head turns to the destroyed land. There is a large crater to the left of us, the trees looked as if lightning had striked it, the flowers were wilted, all while the moon shined above us.

Kreed grabs my chin, making me face him. "We heard you yelling from your room, your eyes were white and you were swatting your hands around like there were flies surrounding you...you...you were moving backwards swatting around, you fell out the window. By the time we ran downstairs and got to the back of the pack house, you were standing up. It looked like you were perfectly fine, but then you began chanting," his face contorted into an expression I couldn't read. "You were chanting in some unknown language, then you fell to your knees and let out this...this screech. The trees were struck by lighting, the plants around you started to die. Blood started to come out of your nose, next thing I know the ground starts to rumble". His eyes showed a dazed expression.

I look down to my hands, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid. It didn't make sense, I made sure to send the prayer to the moon, I performed the small ritual correctly. My eyes moved up to meet his, "Kreed-"

"Brother!" A voice boomed across from us. Standing there in a suit of gold and white hair, there stood my answer.

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