Trees [7]

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I have grown accustomed to the silence that surrounds me in this house. Kreed has kept his distance as usual, but now I fear it is because he doesnt wish to be my mate anymore. It made me sad to think this way, however, I knew that having an Oracle for a mate would bring alot of unwanted attention, and possible altercations. Once word spread that an Oracle is alive, many packs will want to fight to have me as their own. It's the reason why the Vitriolic Pack kept me a secret within the pack.

The Alpha of the Vitriolic Pack, Alpha Wane, punished those who ever had a split thought of telling anyone who wasn't in the pack. Of course, the rules were not for my safety, but for his. Alpha Wane is a bitter and prideful man, who would rather die than let anyone take me away. I do wonder what would happen if he found me here. He couldn't kill his precious Oracle, though he could very well punish me as he did when I was a child. I pushed that thought away instantly, not wanting to remeber my sad excuse of a childhood.

I let out a small, humorless laugh when I move to sit by the window. It seems as if this is the place I'm always at. I open the window, watching the trees. I enjoy watching the vibrant green leaves dance along with the wind. My gaze goes lower as I hear the chanting of men.

Kreed was in excellent shape, judging by his bulky and muscular frame. I watched as he dug his right foot into the dirt, preparing for an attack. A fist goes flying towards his face, only to be blocked by his hefty arm. It's his turn to throw a punch, taking one to the left, then hitting the other man's abdomen with his right fist. They do this little dance, planting their feet, moving to strike, rolling out of the way. It was like watching the wind blow as the tree sways, a little dance they both do.

Today they trained harder than I'd ever seen them train. I knew it was because of me. He was angry, hurt, and probably felt betrayed. Keeping my secret of being an Oracle was a huge secret not to share with the person I'm supposed to be with til I die. I understand him. I have yet to have any visions of his past, or present, but I understand him completely.

I wonder if he understands me as well.

I continued to watch them do their dance as the sky changed from a light blue to a red orange. My plate of chicken and vegetables sat untouched on the small table beside me. I wasn't refusing to eat, just entranced by my mate. His moves reminded me of the one thing I loved; nature. Perhaps I will love my mate as I love mother nature, maybe even more.

It was dark out. The sky was filled with stars that accompanies the moon. Agatha, the nurse from Vitriolic Pack always told me stories of the sun and the moon. It was said that the sun and the moon were lovers; that the single moment they share when they cross paths to go from day-to-night, they fell in love. Only seeing each other for a single moment, and they were In Love.


Agatha never answered my questions, she just continued her story. She says that's how the moon goddess chose mates; just like night and day. Having opposites likes and dislikes, but going together perfectly. I guess the moon goddess chose to have my mate and I as complete opposites. He was night, and I was day.

I move away from the window, then begin to pick at my cold chicken and vegetables. I ate my food slowly, savoring the taste of the chicken. Now that I no longer had the distraction of my mate, my thoughts moved to Alpha Rush.

I pitied him. He is alone in this world. I've seen his past, which was not a good one. I've seen the past of his mate, which also wasn't good. The moon goddess had made two mates the were almost identical. Maybe that is why I cannot see into Rush's future. Maybe his future consists of someone who is the sun to his moon. Perhaps Alexandra served to be a lesson in his life.

The click of the door caused me to break from my thoughts. The sweaty mess of a mate stood there,

"We need to talk."

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