Oracle [1]

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They say I am the prized possession of the Vitriolic Pack. That I was born for great things. That I am blessed with a rare gift from the moon goddess. They couldn't be more wrong.

At night, I am plagued by the nightmares of seeing different slaughterings of wolves. Alpha Rush has been a reoccurring vision. He became a myth to the werewolf world. I saw the battle, in which his mate died. I felt everything he did; all the sadness, anger, and regret. I felt what Alexandra had felt before she died. She loved him. I saw his rampage in the woods, killing any wolf in sight.

All my life I have suffered through watching killings. I no longer flinch at an act of violence. I feel my insides being ripped out of me, as if I had taken the mauled wolfs' body. I know pain, and I know fear.

Every day I walk around my pack, having every wolf wave at me with excitement, and a big smile etched onto their faces; they act like they've just seen a celebrity. I smile and wave back like the good Oracle I was trained to be.

When I first learned of my gift at the age of nine, I saw the murder of my parents. They were traveling back from visiting the Power Pack, when a group of rogues attacked and killed them all. My Alpha was astonished with my gift, he said at age 21, I would be mated to his son. Alpha Wane didnt care for the fact that my mate is out there somewhere, as well as his son's, Derek, mate. My life had been decided for me.

Alpha Wane said my gift was too precious and it needed to be protected, so he locked my in a room for six years. He never believed when I told him my visions came on their own. He believed he could condition me to have a vision whenever he wanted. Those six years locked in a room were spent being beaten until my blood stained the concrete floors. He said it was 'inspiration'. He said that he was fixing me to have visions when needed, and sadly, it worked.

I use herbs, crystals, and blood, in order to call onto a vision for something specific. Now, at the age of 20, I had my own little home. Alpha Wane still insists that I will mate his son in a few months when I turn 21. Usually, wolves find their mate at 16 or 17, then mate immediately. Derek and I were able to convince his father to push our mating to 21. Our reasoning: we would be more mature, and more qualified to take the position of Alpha and Luna. Then I threw in some stuff about being an Oracle, and having a vision of us ruling at 21.

I made my decision long ago to leave. This place holds nothing for me. My parents are gone, I have no mate, and I would rather die than be the Oracle of this pack, leading them to a higher status.

I carry my small bag of clothes and snacks as I near the end of our territory. It was not out of the ordinary for me to leave the territory, most herbs I used were a couple feet out of the land. A weight feels lifted as my foot goes over the territory line. The wind sways around me, brushing my skin, welcoming me to where I belong.

I walk with no direction in mind, following wherever the wind has decided to take me. I stop in a small clearing, and decided this is where I would stay for tonight. I begin to gather branches, leaves, bark, anything to build a small shelter for sleep.

Once I have my makeshift tent, I lie down, staring at the stars, running my fingers through the grass. This is my home. This is where I belong.

I turn my head to look at the vibrant green trees, and bushes. Whether it was because I am an Oracle, or a wolf, I have always had an admiration for nature. Many men would look at a blonde woman, with fake boobs, covered in makeup as beautiful, as a woman would see a man with chiseled features as beautiful, but not me. The only beauty I have ever seen, was mother nature.

My eyes begin to slowly close, as sleep has begun to wash over. I throw a smile to a nearby tree, and prepare to fall asleep. Only, a paper stuck to the tree catches my eye. It has a picture of a girl with amethyst eyes and caramel hair,

Violet Killingsworth
Wanted by The Power Pack: Alive
Reward: A meeting with Charles Power
Description: Girl is suspected to be
Involved in the murder of
Rachel Power

I finish reading the small paper when the rain starts to fall. I knew it was a sign from the moon goddess. She has begun to weep for her Oracle. If the Power Pack wanted me, they were going to get me. No matter what.


The Power Pack is finally making its appearance. If you dont remember, the Power Pack was briefly mentioned in 'Alpha's Warrior'.

All of my stories will connect, as it is a series.
Also, Vitriolic means filled with bitter or malice, which will make sense when we see more of Alpha Wane.

THE ORACLE: Queen of RoguesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu