"I see so when are we going?" I asked.

"Right now," he said looking at his watch. I packed up my stuff as fast as I could.

When I was done Randy and Alanna were already waiting at the front door.

"Ready?" Alanna asked.

"Now I am," I replied.

We got into the bus and I set my stuff down on the bed that I would be sharing with Randy and Alanna. The thought was kinda weird that I would be sharing a bed with one if my closest friends and his daughter. I was still feeling kinda drained after last night.


I let Ash set her stuff down in the bedroom we would be sharing while she's with us. "Hey uhh Randy do you mind if I take a nap I didn't get much sleep last night," she yelled out.

"Yeah sure make yourself at home," I yelled back.

"Your gonna regret that," she joked. I heard the bedroom door close and Alanna came and snuggled up with me on the couch. She took the remote right out of my hand and put on a Sponge Bob rerun. We both sang along to the theme song causing her to giggle. She rested her little head on my chest and she started to rub my head. "Alanna what are you doing?" I sneered.

"I'm rubbing Daddy's head."


"I dunno your hair feels funny," she replied causing me to chuckle. "Oh boy am I gonna miss you," I complained.

"I'm going to mommy's?" she asked.

"Yup in two days you are going back to mommy's."

"Aww but I wanna stay with you and Ashley,"

"But guess what I get you back in a couple weeks," I cheered and her face lit up. She started doing a little dance which I found adorable.

We were finally easing in to St.Louis thankfully after 5 hours on the road. I heard a noise from the bedroom. "Ash?" I called out.

"Who else?" se replied as she walked out of the room still looking as beautiful as before.

"So where are we going?" she asked.

"Somewhere to blow off some steam."

"Randy I don't want to go to the gym or train I do that practically every day."

"we aren't going to the gym."

"So then where the hell are we going?"

"I told you it's a surprise," I replied and she frowned. I guess she's not one for surprises.

We finally arrived infront of Smash and I knew she was going to love it. "Surprise!" I shouted as we walked off the bus.

"What is it?" she asked.

"This is where you can throw like dishes at targets or just at a wall to blow off some steam."

"This is just what I needed," she said pulling me into a hug.

I held Alanna's hand as we walked in and instantly I was swarmed with greetings from hometown friends and fans. After a bunch of signing autographs and taking pictures I finally got to the front counter to pay.

"Uhh can I have two please?" I said pulling out my wallet.

"That'll be $40" she replied. I nodded handing her a fifty dollar bill.

"Sir your change," she reminded.

"Keep it," I replied. She thanked me and I went on my way with Ashley to the room we were supposed to go to. We started tossing the dishes and she looked like she was having a lot of fun. I shared my dishes with Alanna and Ashley spared some for her as well. "you throw like a girl," I joked to her.

"At least I don't hit like one," she retorted.

"That's cold," I replied causing her to laugh. We finished up our stack of plates and it was already 6 o'clock. We got back in the bus and Ash sat on the bed while I got Alanna and I ready for bed. I put her in some black and purple polka dot pajamas while I put on some blue basketball shorts and a grey t shirt. "You hungry?" I asked Ash.

"Starving," she replied.

"Let's go somewhere," I said. I walked up to the driver and told him to bring us to the nearest restaurant. He ended up driving us to Chilis.

We had a nice meal and afterwards we got into the bus and headed straight to bed. Man being a superstar is so exhausting especially when you are only 24.


Randy walked out of the room so I decided to get into my sleepwear. I put on a tank top and some pajama shorts and took off my make up and washed my face. I walked out to see the father and daughter duo laying on the couch.

"Come on let's go to bed," I said nudging the two of them. Randy stood up with Alanna in his arms and walked her into the bedroom. He placed her in the middle of the bed and he got on the right side of the bed where as I got on the left side of the bed. "Goodnight," I whispered.

"Goodnight," I heard Randy whisper back.

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