"No!" She said glaring at Zayn.

"It was nothing i'll explain later." He whispered to her.

She just rolled her eyes, and Louis smirked to himself proud of what he had just done.

They continued talking, the three other boys thinking Devan and Stephanie just over reacted like they did when they met Kailey.

They continued talking until the girls got brought up again, Sara was sayign what happened changing the stories to make her sound like the victim. Zayn of course believed her, Harry, Louis, and Liam not so much.

"Hey Sara do me a favor? Stop lying!" Louis said to her sassily.

She made a face  as if she was offended

"You think I'm lying?" She asked placing her hand on her chest.

"Yeah, we do Devan and Stephanie wouldn't do that" Harry said defending the girls.

Louis stood up "I'm gettin out of her" He said pushing past Zayn

"Wait i'll go with you!" Harry yelled 

Liam got up and just silently walked over to the other boys, and they began to walk away.

"Bye Zayn...uh see you later" Liam said awkwarly walking away with the boys.

"Whatever" Sara mumbled under her breath

To: Devan Miller

Hey! it's lou where did you guys go we're coming to meet you.

To: Louis Tomlinson

hey! we went to my house meet yout there.

"Hey guys, Louis is coming over!" She shouted down the hall to Stephanie, Niall, and Adam.

They called him on the way home to tell him what happened and to come over.

About 30 minutes later they heard a knock on the door.

"Coming!" Devan shouted running up from her basement

"Oh hey guys I didn't know you where all coming" She said smiling.

"Yeah we couldn't take her anymore!" Liam said 

Devan smiled and said "Welcome to the club!" 

She led them down to the basement where the other were.

"This is my boyfriend Adam" She said cheerfully as he got off the couch to greet the boys. "This is Louis, Liam, and Harry" 

"Hey guys" He said shaking their hands.

"Hey mate!" Liam said cheerfully 

"Liam you are so cute" Devan said giggling

They all sat down, Stephanie and Niall were on one couch, Devan and Adam were on the other. Liam took the chair and Harry and Niall sat on bean bags.

Luckily all the boys got along with Adam,  they were all joking around having a good time.

"Just go out already!" Harry yelled to Steph and Niall who were cuddled up on the couch.

Stephanie's face turned red 

"Shut up mate!" Naill said throwing a pillow at him

"How about your new girlfriend?" Niall asked Harry

"Yeah! You haven't told me much about her!" Devan said sitting up a bit.

"ohhh gossip time!" Adam said sarcastically nudging Devan

They just laughed and then Harry had a huge smile on his face.

"She's really good actually" He was still smiling like an idiot "I miss her already, she might come out to see me though"

"Aww" Stephanie said looking at his face.

"Well i'm glad you're finally happy!" Devan said smiling at him remebering what happened with Kailey.

"I am" He said smiling

Somehow Louis and Niall convinced them to watch a scary movie again, at every small thing Stephanie would cling to Naill and Devan would grab onto Adam. 

-Ding Dong-

Stephanie squeezed Niall's hand, and Devan yelled and burried her head into Adam's chest.

"Uhh Devan that was your doorbell" Louis said laughing

They were all lauging, and Louis was imitating Devan. She could here him all the way upstairs and was stil laughing. Until she opened the door.


Well that's it for chapter 11! :)  Thanks to everyone who comment/fan/votes! :) please keep em' coming!  So I hope you all liked the chapter! I will try to update again tomorrow :)

Fan/ Vote/ Comment and let me know what you think! :) -Devan

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