"I don't know can I?" Calum raises his eyebrows.


"Genie." Calum retorts cheekily.

"We should get up." I say and Calum shakes his head. "Noo I don't wanna see those losers yet."

"Those losers?" I laugh. "You mean your best friends?"

"Yeah them." Calum grins.

"Well I think we are losers by association so come on lets go join them." I say but Calum makes no point of getting off me.

"Lets just spend the day in here. Just you and me."

"We can't." I tell him and he huffs. "I really want you all to myself today." Calum says making me smile. Again he was ridiculously cute.

"Why?" I ask him.

"I just do." Calum shrugs and I shake my head at him. "Don't worry when we get back home you can have me all you want."

"Pinky promise?" Calum smiles holding up his left pinky. I grin at him before locking my pinky with his.

"Pinky promise." I nod.

"Seal it with a kiss?"

"If I have to." I shrug my eyes flickering to Calum's wonderfully plumps lips. Calum beams happily before pressing a quick but sweet kiss to my lips.

"Oh and Genie?"

"What?" I ask softly my lips still tingling. How the hell did he manage to do that everytime.

"I want you all the time." Calum shrugs before hoping off of me.


"Is it just me or is it extra hot today?" Claudia asks fanning herself.

"It most certainly is." Aria replies her eyes fixated on Michael who she could just see through the kitchen window.

We currently outside on the deck while the boys were in the kitchen.

"Oh wow." I mutter under my breath having to stifle a laugh.

"If it's so hot then why aren't we at the beach swimming?" Emma groans.

"That's a very good question." I say letting out a sigh. The boys had been doing their own thing for the last two hours and us girls had been doing the same.

The last two hours had consisted of us either gossiping or complaining about how hot it was.

"Can we go interrupt the boys now? The beach is calling me." Aria says and I think we are all in agreement.

"What do you think they've been doing?" Emma asks looking curious.

"Who knows." Aria shrugs.

"Probably talking about Genie's v.agina." Claudia sniggers.

"I don't think so." I shake my head.

"Come on girls." Aria laughs standing from her chair. We follow suit and are soon in the connection with those four very good looking idiot's.

"What's going on?" Ashton asks wrapping his arms around Emma sweetly. Those two just instantly gravitated to each other everytime they were in a room.

"It's hot and we wanna go to the beach." Claudia infroms them sitting down next to Luke. Even though Claudia knew that Luke was big in that area she still very much wanted to climb that tree.

"Then go." Luke grins and Claudia scoffs at him. I shake my head at the two of them before going over and standing beside Calum who gives me a cute little smile.

I return his smile before pressing a small kiss to his shoulder then turning my head up right so that I could rest my head there.

"Do you boys want to come?" Aria asks sitting up on the bench ensuring a lot of distance between her and Michael, Not to mention everyone else.

"Yes, yes we do." Michael smirks. God guys seriously had a one track mind.

"Come on babe." Ashton chuckles before leading Emma out off the kitchen.

"I guess we're going." Luke smiles happily before standing up from his chair and also leaves the kitchen.

"Topless Luke...YUS!" Claudia cheers.

"Don't be too excited Claudia. It's no where near as good as topless Aria." Michael smriks making Aria's cheeks instantly redden.

"I'm gonna change." Aria squeaks before rushing off.

"Loser." Claudia grins at Michael before leaving too. I'm guessing that everybody was going off to get changed and collect whatever they needed for the beach.

I notice Michael give Calum a stern glance before lightly smiling. "I'm gonna go get changed." Michael tells us before slowly making his way out of the kitchen.

"Uhm what was that?" I ask lifting my head from Calum's shoulder and turning so that I was standing directly in front of him.

"Just Michael being strange." Calum shrugs placing his hands on my waist.

"Okay.." I mumble.

"Sooo you know how you wanted me to get

intel on the Michael and Aria thing?" Calum asks making my eyes widen.

"Did you talk to him? What did he say?!" I ask in rush probably sounding like a mad person.

"He didn't actually say that much." Calum shrugs.

"Well tell me everything that he did say." Calum looks at me in uncertainty before biting down on his bottom lip.

"Okay then. I asked him if he had thought about maybe getting back out on the dating scene and he said not really..." Calum says before stopping.

"And?" I encourage.

"And I asked him what was going on with Aria and he said that Aria is great in more ways then one and she's really sweet." Calum finishes.

"Hmm. Do you think that he likes her?"

"Maybe?" Calum slightly grimaces. "Michael's hard to read with girls these days. The only thing you can know for sure is if he wants to sleep with them or not."

"Yeah...God why do those two have to be so difficult." I sigh. I don't know how I never noticed before but Michael and Aria would be such a good couple.

"Maybe you should just leave it up to them? You know the whole if it's meant to be it will be crap." Calum says before grinning.

"Crap?" I laugh. "I guess it's obvious who the matchmaker is out of us two." I tease.

"Obviously." Calum rolls his eyes playfully.

"You know Cal.. You might actually be right." I tell him wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Well I am always right."

"Uh huh." I say getting a grin from Calum. We both knew that he was no where near being right all the time. "Maybe it will work itself out."

"I think it will." Calum shrugs.

"But I can always add some extra encouragement." I smile innocently. 

"Oh boy." Calum shakes his head. It's wasn't like Aria and Michael didn't need it. I saw it has helping with something that could possibly be made to be.

"Thank you by the way." I smile at Calum. "I know you boys have you certain bro codes sooo."

"It was nothing G." Calum smiles placing a sweet kiss on my forehead. "Lets go get ready."

A/N:Starting school late so here's the 1st chapter out of the 3 that I'm doing tonight! Nothing too great but some super cute Galum ♡ The next two chapters are going to be quite eventful ;)

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now