The young boy looked to where Klaus stood surprise and fascination written all over his' face. With his mouth open, Klaus and Megan took the opportunity to walk closer to the young man and looked at him with interest.

"What's your name?" Megan asked with a smile to make sure the boy wasn't uneasy with them.

"Don't got one. Mama wouldn't name me till I turned ten, 'case the fever took me... then it took her." The boy answered with sadness and regret in his voice.

"You're a survivor, and survivors need names. " Klaus stated while crouching down to be leved with the young man.

"What of, Marcellus?" Megan gave the idea with a grin.

"Marcellus?" The boy repeated.

"It comes from the Greek god of war, Mars" she explained.

"It means little warrior" Klaus added.

The boy smiled with his new found name, Marcellus. Klaus offered a hand and Marcellus hesitantly took it but in the end he did take it. klaus lifted the boy so that he was standing up and from that moment on the little boy was under the protection of the Mikaelson and their affiliates and his name was Marcel Gerard.

"Klaus saw himself in the boy. He remembered how our father used to beat him. He, too, was the bastard child of a man who saw him as nothing but a beast. And that is why your plan will fail. All you've done if bring back together two long-lost souls. Without Elijah between them, who knows what they'll do." Rebekah said staring off to what seems like nothing, while Megan stood there biting her lip for only then did she realize how bad things can get after this.

Rebekah started walking off with the phoenix at tow, leaving the last Deveraux witch to her onw thought and to let her fathom what kind of wrath she just unleashed to not only the supernatural community but the entirety of New Orleans as well.

The two women walking away from the Lafayette cemetery with nothing but bad memories at mind but despite the pain, hurt, and turmoil the two face, they knew this was far from over and their goal had not yet been reached. They still needed to find Elijah.

The two decided that Marcel would be the best person to confront next. They found him, while watching him from the balcony of a car park that overlooked his activities, recruiting a new vampire to fill in the gap of the six dead vampires Rebekah killed.

Marcel was talking to someone through the phone, looking to the street and turning his back on Klaus who was placing the newly turned Josh into a black SUV. Both girls seemed to distracted to see Klaus with Marcel that they failed to realize that Marcel wasn't on his phone anymore, he wasn't anywhere to be found.

Then in a gush of wind, Marcel stood before the two. A devilish smile playing on his lips and his whole body composure screamed arrogant and prideful.

"Rebekah Mikaelson. Come to teach me another lesson? Last time I saw you, Royal Street was burning and you all were fleeing from the city from your daddy." Marcel taunted with charm and wit.

"I'll leave you two be" Megan said walking to the ledge of the railing and jumped off that sent a soft thump when she reached the bottom before walking off the opposite direction of where Rebekah and Marcel were having their 'talk' that she definitely wanted to avoid. The whole situation was awkward as much as it already is.

They were past lovers, although she wasn't around when that came into fruition but she knew how much they cared for each other. That made it even more uncomfortable to be stuck in the middle of a lover's quarrel though in this cause a ex lover's quarrel but in the end it was a quarrel.

Megan ended up walking around the quarter with no real intent to do anything whatsoever except for snooping around to find if she can get any information on Elijah and his' location but ended with no luck at all. She decided this was a good time as any to learn much as she can about her time away from New Orleans.

She sang a soft tune and soon a single black raven flew to where she was and rested on her hand. She took her free hand and begun looking through the birds' memory, a technique she was to taught to do without her magic by a Tibetan man located in the Himalayas.

She was overwhelmed by the amount of past and recent events that has shaped why new Orleans the way it is, especially in the supernatural factions of the town. From the turning of Marcel all the way to the interrupted harvest ceremony. The information was a lot to handle so she continued walking down the road.

As she was walking through the quarter and making her way to the more secluded parts of the area and spotted Hayley there and threw her tea at the vampire in front her but she didn't account for the two that appeared behind her.

Using her supernatural speed she zoomed to be behind the vampires who were about to advance at Hayley. She roughly thrust her hand into both their chest cavity at the same, her hand gripping onto their hearts before pulling it out. The two vampires fell to the ground where they both started desiccating , skin turning gray with large black protruding veins that appeared on the body.

"Hayley, why are you here?" Megan asked before realizing there was a smell in the air that she was almost very familiar with. For being a phoenix she was sensitive to different kinds of herbs and special plants than other supernatural creature.

"Better question is why did you think coming to the quarter was a safe thing to do?" Rebekah asked as she emerged from the shadows. 

One Of A Kind || Elijah Mikaelsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें