Chapter 24

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The next day went by with Megan unpacking her grimoires and dark objects followed by her going into the town by herself to buy some clothes because she left most of her's at Eleusis. While Elijah went to the french quarter to look around for as to where Klaus has been.

For the most part, the two did not spend that much time together aside from when Elijah left while Megan was silently eating breakfast in the morning but Elijah did text her to meet at the quarter at around seven.

Megan meet Elijah in a bar by the name of Rousseau's, this is where the wild goose chase begun. They meet Camille, a bartender with a grad degree in Psychology, where they asked her where to find Jane-Anne Deveraux. Although, she did not know Jane-Anne, she did know someone who did.

She lead the two to Sabine, a witch posing as a tour guide for New Orleans' many tourist. Sabine explained the situation to the vampire and Phoenix about the latest happenings of the king of the quarter, Marcel Gerard, who banned witches from using magic causing him to kill Jane-Anne. And severing Elijah's hint to as to where Klaus was.

Though, Megan did not like Sabine. Something about her felt familiar to Megan, there was something sinister with her but she didn't know what. Sabine was powerful but she seemed like she was deceiving everyone around her. Megan did bring up this topic with Elijah but he dismissed it for the moment.

Not all hope was, lost when Elijah and Megan found and talked to Jane-Anne Deveraux's sister, Sophie Deveraux. The two saved her from vampires who accused her of using magic when in reality she was just praying to her dead sister. Sophie asked Megan and Elijah to follow her which leads to now.

The two were now lead by Sophie to the Lafayette Cemetery, where she entered and Megan followed but Elijah was stopped with an invisible force that kept him out of it.

"This is sacred ground, that means vampires can't come in unless invited" Megan stated to Elijah.

"Yes, and since I'm desperate, come on right in." Sophie said

As the words were said, Elijah entered the cemetery. He and Megan continued to follow Sophie in deeper into the cemetery.

"We can talk freely here" Sophie informed

"And then I suggest you start talking, What does your sister wanted with Niklaus?" Elijah demanded.

"They need Klaus to rid of their vampire problem." Megan realized.

"Exactly, we couldn't fight them ourselves, Marcel has an army. That is until my sister found a girl, who had a special connection with Klaus" Sophie elaborated.

"What kind of connection?" Elijah inquired.

"The two had a moment alone with drinks and one thing lead to another" Megan summed up.

"Yes, but the thing is this girl is a werewolf, who is now pregnant with Klaus' child." She continued.

"That's impossible" He stated.

"Nothing's impossible when it comes to your brother, they call him the hybrid for a reason. Please bring her out." She said to Elijah then said the last part to the open area around them.

Soon, gates were creaking and lead out a group of witches followed by a girl, in a creme shirt, jeans, a cardigan, and boots. Her face held an unamused expression, though she herself were a pretty woman with well defined cheekbones.

"Who the hell are you?" She spoke

"Can we have a moment with her alone?" Elijah requested.

Elijah, Megan and the werewolf were lead to one of the mausoleums in the cemetery where they could talk without the witches there.

"How did they get you all the way here?" Megan asked as the werewolf sat on top a bench and she lent against the walls.

"They lured me out of the bayou and grabbed me then they did all these weird witchy tests, besides how do think this is possible, vampires are dead, they can't have children" she stated.

"Perhaps, if you knew of my brothers story, it would explain how this could happen." Elijah commented moving towards the girl.

"Here, may I?" he asked as he held out his' hand.

The girl moved her head back "What are you doing" she hesitated

"Relax" Elijah said placing his hands on her head.

The werewolf was still skeptical and cased a glance to Megan who was still leaning against the wall and she just nodded her head to show that everything will be alright. Finally, the girl shut her eyes while Elijah told her the story of Klaus and his' family. Soon, Elijah lowered his hands and faced the girl.

"I'm Hayley by the way, I mean I should tell you my name if you're gonna tell me your entire life story" Hayley said as she held out her hand for Elijah to shake.

"I mean I know yours, your family is legendary, but I don't know yours" she told as she turned to face Megan.

"Well, my name is Megan Selinofoto, I'm a witch and then a little bit more" She grinned.

"I must excuse Klaus' behavior, you see we were all hunted by our father, only a few moments after he broke his' curse, he killed our father and I thought that made him finally happy but it did not. It made him even angrier, I wonder if this baby will make him happy" Elijah declared

"Well I'm glad you feel that way and we need you" Sophie said barging in.

"What does that have to do with this young woman?" Elijah inquired

"They need Klaus to run Marcel out of New Orleans and they are using the baby as leverage." Megan deduced.

"Marcel made the werewolves run from here, and he sure as hell won't welcome a hybrid baby, help us and he doesn't need to find out" Sophie informed

"That sounds much like blackmail" Megan stressed

"Like I said I'm desperate" she stated

"Well, we have our work cut out for us don't we?" Elijah smiled a fake smile.

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