Chapter 10

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After that night I and Elijah have been talking even more. We would go around town, where I go he follows and I was surprisingly fine with that. Other times I would be conscious of my every move but with him I wasn't, maybe I act that way because I always have to keep my secret guarded and since Elijah knows I am fine with it. One things for sure he makes me feel safe.

On the off chance Elijah had something else to do I almost always find myself chatting with Edith, Marie, Anne and Charity. All of them know the situation with the Cerberus coven, I cannot not tell them I just couldn't. They all are doing everything they can to make sure their families are safe and sometimes help me. 

The Cerberus coven has since fled , they not longer are in the tunnels in the forest. I know this because Elijah, Rebekah, Niklaus, and I went to check it yesterday and there were no signs of witches or even inhabitants, the cottage itself has even been gone, not burnt, not destroyed just gone.

The tunnels themselves still contain power within them and I would have brought the place to peace and consecrate the souls there but there is still some kind of magic that prevents me from doing so which leads me believe that the witches are not gone just a change in location.

The question was where because they still have to be around the area of the tunnels or in the tunnels itself to still be connected to its power. Last night I went to look over the area but there were no signs of life that goes in or out the tunnels and this just leaves me even more dumbfounded because I can figure it out. I have even had to ask for the animals in the area for help but to no avail.

My irritation towards the situation was evident. The Mikaelsons knew, my friends knew and despite what they say it was my fault that they fled when I ambushed their hideout. By the grace of the Gods why I am so stupid, How could I be more stupid, why wasn't I thinking before acting?

Everyone was trying their best to find the witches, we tried locator spells, we tried the super hearing, we tried feeling for close by powerful magic but it just kept get wrong. I or we were on the verge of giving up and just waiting until they decide to come out but that means they would have an advantage and I don't particularly like being taken advantage of.

What angered me the most about this situation, wasn't exactly anger, it was fear that the weapon held by Lilth would indeed kill me but that doesn't help the fact that plenty of others would be killed too. 

These witches could easily see that I am a powerful weapon and could be used against others. And so I as I lay on my bed ready to sleep I just hope that tomorrow will bring a solution to this problem.

There was chanting and screams in the background I could see the world around me was spinning but when it stopped I couldn't believe what I saw.

It was Athens but on fire along its houses and temples. The town center and tavern was on fire, I realized I was at the Mikaleson manor I looked around to see no one here, not Elijah, not Rebekah, not even Niklaus. That's when I deiced to headed to the town's center, you hear the screams of innocents even when you didn't have vampiric hearing. 

There piles upon piles of dead bodies those who lived here ,they were torn to shreds as if a monster has just went rampant on the town. Their limbs were severed from their body and bodies were drenched in blood. 

I went to go deeper into the place and as I headed to enter the farmer's market, my stomach dropped at the sight. It was Anne, Edith, Marie, Charity, Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah laying on the floor most of them dead except for the originals. They too have blood all over them and you could clearly see hearts where removed so was livers, and intestines. The Mikaelson siblings were hanging on by a thread and that scared me, What creature could beat a original vampire or three for that matter.

That's when I approached them, kneeling beside Elijah, resting his head on my lap. I didn't care that my dress was getting soaked by his blood. 

"What happened? Who did this to you? all of you? " I asked you can see it I was clueless and frazzled , evident by my hasty movements.

"You" he chocked out, blood just flowing and flowing from his mouth.

That's when I was confused, eyebrows knitted together and on the brink of crying. That's when I heard another scream rip behind me and I stood up leaving them there. I wouldn't be able to help them if I don't exactly know what I am fighting.

I heard scream after scream, people who were obviously killed and tortured. I followed the sounds and as I was about to round the corner I saw a figure standing there and it took me a moment to realize that it indeed was me, but different, a dagger protruding from my chest and my eyes entirely white.

That's when I saw Lilth with a doll at hand, it too had a small dagger in it's heart. That's when I realized what was happening and that they were using the dagger as a conduit to control me. She was using me to destroy the people of Athens but why and how do I stop it?

"How can I fix this? How can I change this?" I screamed in frustration and the possessed me did not even bother to look. She was so concentrated to killing others or maybe it's because she can't see me.

"You can fix this" a voice said, it sounded sweet and melodic and fragile even. I looked to see where it was coming from but I couldn't find anyone around that could be the owner of the voice, since most of the people in front of me were dead or dying.

"Hello? can you help me?" I asked making my voice so that the person would hear and reply.

"You can fix this" the voice repeated 

"Please show yourself" I begged. A little girl appeared out of nowhere, she was dressed in what looks like a nightgown. She had dark brown hair up to her shoulders and her face was so child like, her features makes me think she is of Greek and New world decent.

"You can help them, you can fix this" she told

"Yes but how?" I inquired

"To fix this you must follow me" she stated

She didn't even give me enough time to reply as she started to run and I followed her. We passed the farmer's  market then to the town center then to the tavern. Soon I realized she was running towards the Mikaleson manor but what could be here that could help us.

She entered the manor like it was her own home and ran inside, I following behind her, she lead me to my own room to which I was just in a few moments ago. She made her way to my desk where all my books and grimoires where placed on and grabbed one of the books which I recognized as one of my earlier grimoires and pulled it, as soon the book was in her hands she vanished.

I panicked because my only way to stop this vision wasn't here anymore but then I noticed that when the little girl vanished, the book fell on a certain page that caught my eyes. 

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