Chapter 23

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She walked home that night with a heavy heart and a lot on her mind. Megan wanted to be with Elijah really she did, spending at least two centuries without anyone to call family or even friend can take a toll on you, but despite that feeling of wanting to do that one thing that can bring her happiness, she was afraid history would repeat itself.

She would be devastated to see him with someone else that wasn't her and him looking at the other woman in a way she wanted him to look at her. She wanted him to hold her the way he did Celeste but somehow she knows that will never happen and she thinks that in his eyes, she will always be a friend nothing more and nothing less.

Aside Elijah, if she were to go with him, she could see Klaus and Rebekah again for so long she has not talked to them. Despite her undying want to see Elijah at times, she missed Klaus and Rebekah dearly. She wishes to be with her closest friends once more.

She is just thankful that Elijah gave her the time to even consider his' preposition before he left. At least, he did not make her choose right there and then, that would have been something she couldn't decide with the time given. 

The time she had reached her own house she had bought through the wealth she had amass throughout her long life, she was deeply conflicted and utterly confused, she decided it would be best to have an answer the morning after.

She went into through the large oak doors and walked past a marble statue of the Greek goddess, Hecate or other wise known as her grandmother. She knelt down and began praying to her grandmother for guidance and strength to make the proper decision that will not only benefit herself and her sanity but the world as well.

Despite the prayers, she didn't hear a peep from her grandmother that night and so she decided to sleep it off. Going up the grand staircase made of wood and metal. She reached the top floor to walk straight to her own room.

Changed and clean, she laid on top her bed and underneath the duvet. Though her mind was racing, her body thought other wise for, before she knew it she was fast asleep in her comfortably large king sized bed and at least half a dozen pillows at her disposal. Closing her eyes she never felt more comfortable in her life.

In her dreams, she did not see anything, all she saw was black. Interestingly enough, she heard a multitude of different things. She first heard groans and moans, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable, she heard a scream of Klaus' name before all went silent. Following that, she heard a soft and faint heartbeat but a heartbeat nonetheless.  

Hearing that there was actually two heartbeats and that both were moving around and quickly causing the heartbeats to come out erratic and uneven, those soon there was nothing but silence and that scared her.

Crying and screaming of a woman in pain, then was drowned out by the sound of a baby crying. She could hear glass shattering, bones broken, wood splintering, and concrete crushed but despite those loud sound there was still the sound of a crying baby with a faint but steady heartbeat.

"Go with him and protect her, protect the baby" she heard a voice say but somehow she knew this was her grandmother, helping her, guiding her, and leading her down a path that was righteous.

In that moment she jolted awake, looking to her surroundings she was alone in her room, alone in her house. That building she lived will always be just a house and a home is where the heart is and her heart, well her heart was in someone else's hands.

She decided to heed her grandmother's words and listen to it like she always have and it made her decision easier knowing that she will be needed by the Mikaelsons sometime soon. She will have to protect a girl and her baby or what if the the baby was girl.

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