Chapter 20

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The moon has now lost it's blood red color and has returned to its white and opaque color. The night breeze flowing through the room. It was somehow warm against my skin. The moonlight and torches lit up, illuminating the foyer of the house.

The dagger in my hands, the golden spectacle with a fair sized ruby gem embedded to its hilt, that matches the jewel adorned on my talisman. The dagger itself adorned vine like designs that wrap around the entire handle. The pointed edge, the blade itself, sharpened to a point and filed down to draw blood with the slightest touch, deadly and swift. Whoever crafted this dagger was an excellent blacksmith and skilled at the art of combat, hence knowing exactly where the point would be most lethal.

It felt the whole world has stopped, I was just standing in the mess of Lilth's dead body, no blood on her, no bruises, just dead. For a moment, it seems the Mikaelsons weren't there and I was all alone in this giant, lavish, and large foyer, with nothing but the dagger at hands. 

It felt that I was in a trance, just everything I could see was just the dagger, a dagger that I once thought would kill me, I placed it closer to my body. The hilt close to my chest, the blade facing outwards and for what feels like electricity crackling from the dagger to my talisman and consequently my own body.

In an instant I ripped the dagger from my body, I saw the jewel at its hilt glowing red as well as my talisman. It was as if the two were somehow connected and that they are powerful together than apart. It was fascinating the way they were responding to each other.

It was done, Lilth is finally dead and the entirety of the Cerberus coven along with her. The threat has ceased to exist and this was going to be the end of my story along side the originals. This was the end of the road with the Mikaelsons.

"I will have to say she fallen fairly quickly when you attacked her, where you just waiting for us to embarrass ourselves before you decided to intervene" Klaus huffed slightly mad and relieved at the same time.

"Niklaus" Elijah bellowed disappointed at his' younger brother's manners

"I couldn't move" I said below a whisper and bowed my head down to not see them eye to eye, to most they wouldn't even hear it or even noticed I muttered anything but these were vampires, the originals vampires, of course they would hear that.

"What?" Rebekah exclaimed. I looked up to face all of them guilt clearly on my face.

"I wanted to try and help, I tried to move or even mutter a spell or even shift but I couldn't, it was as if someone was holding me down, keeping me there. I couldn't help because she must have placed a spell on me before she came in." I explained mixing a little lie with all those truth, the lie?, was that it wasn't a spell, I believe that it was someone keeping me down but I just don't know who.

"Oh" was all that Klaus could say. Now regretting his outbreak, he held a solemn expression on his face and looking at me with regret. "I apologize" he muttered

"Klaus it's quite alright" I replied.

Slowly his frown broke out into a grin. He held a drink he grabbed from one of the near by tables and lifting it up a smile plastered on his face. He seemed happy that this whole ordeal was finally over and in full honesty so was I.

"To Lilth finally resting, hopefully not in peace" he proposed the toast.

"Finally" Rebekah spoke

With a few cleaning here and there, it seemed as though there was no fight at all. When I finished, Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah where already fast asleep in their own rooms and I followed suit.

Fire and lots of it, in the city of Athens, walking down the streets they were colored red with blood. Several people had severed heads, limbs, and torsos. Organs falling out of the bodies lying on the floor. It was silent except for the crackle of fire in the background.

You could hear it, the shear silence that wafted through the entire city, there were no screams, shouts, talk, or even whispers, just silence. And it proved to be evident that the citizens were all slaughtered.

Bodies drenched in their own blood and mangled body parts on top, right beside or underneath each body. Supernatural or human alike, all dead in their homes, work place, or just the streets. Trying to feel any life force, I could only feel four left. One strong and powerful, the other three were weak and fading.

I walked further into the city, to its heart in the town center, stood a man that I have seen through the eyes of animals or a witch hoop. A man I have never seen in personal life, he too was drenched in blood only difference was it wasn't his'.

There he stood Mikael, father of the Mikaelsons, his hands covered in blood. His' mouth full of it and his eyes a mixture of red and black with dark veins underneath them. The vampire who haunted vampires, was holding Elijah by the neck. Rebekah and Klaus laying on the floor with white oak stakes embedded into their chest, they were already desiccating not quite on fire yet.

In one quick motion, Mikael shoved the stake through Elijah's heart and he too, fell to the floor. By the time he hit the floor, Rebekah and Klaus were already up in flames. Soon Elijah too was in flames and in a moments notice they were all dead.

I woke up in a gasp, then there were arms that wrapped around me. I looked up to see Elijah holding me close to his chest cradling me in his' arms. He comforted me from the nightmare but reality I believe that it was not, it was a vision.

"Its alright, Lilth is already dealt with, you have nothing to fear and as for your powers I will help you I give you my word" he said gratifying me.

"Elijah, it wasn't lilth and it wasn't a nightmare" I stressed

"Then what was it?" he inquired

"A vision, about your family, Elijah , your father Mikael is coming and he is coming soon" I hesitantly informed.

In that moment you could see that his eyes' went wide and grabbed my hand, rushing us out of my room towards Klaus' room were he was painting his' latest drawing. He didn't think of etiquette and burst threw the door.

"Niklaus, Megan had a vision that father is coming" he tried to say in his' most calm voice possible despite the pure fear within him, not necessarily fear of his own demise but his' brothers.

Klaus' eyes grow wide, drops his' paint brush and promptly stood right in front of me and I didn't flinch. He looked right me as if he was judging if I was lying or not, though I have been around them for a few weeks, they don't fully trust me quite yet especially with this matter and I don't blame them.

"Elijah, tell Rebekah to get ready, it seems we are to move again." he told to Elijah who nodded and fetched their baby sister.

"If you are lying, I will find a way to keep you dead or quite frankly I will kill you over and over and each more gruesome and grotesque than the last" he warned

"You have my word, on my resurrecting life, Klaus, I saw him" I defended

"Very well then will you like to come with us?" Klaus asked and caught me off guard actually. I thought they would just leave me and not look back.

"I'm sorry?" I replied confused

"Well, you see love, you and Elijah has something clearly going on and what kind of brother would I be if I left you here with unresolved feelings" he declared

"Is that really all of it?" I questioned

"And you also a powerful being I would like to work with and your ability to have visions could prove to be useful, in situations like today" he answered "Are you coming lovely Megan?" he continued

"I would love to" I said cheerily. 

A new adventure with the Mikaelsons awaits and I am already looking forward to it.

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