Chapter 16

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Elijah sat beside me. A small smile gracing his face, he looked forward towards where the trees were. While I seem to just stare at him, I just stared at his prominent jawline, his' coffee brown eyes and I feel like I am lost in another world.

Something was different about Elijah, I knew it from the very beginning but the more time I spend time with him, the more it was hard to deny there was something there. The way he makes me feel the most myself, where I can just talk about anything and everything without having to hold everything back, they way he just looks at me with such interest and somethings make me wonder if he feels the same way.

For the many years I have been alive on this earth, there are only a few I can say that I've loved. Some more than others. There was only really just a handful of names and never did those go any further than admiration. It was only ever the phoenixes that have my full and undying love.

I realized why only a few has been let it into my heart, it's not because I have a certain type of person I like that only comes once in a millennium, its because I'm afraid. I'm afraid that the person I will let myself love or fall for, will die in my arms. Even with the power I have, I can't bring back the dead.

Ironic really considering that my grandmother is the goddess of necromancy and ghosts. And yes, I have the ability to talk to the dead sometimes it just isn't enough. Sometimes I find it unfair, I try with everything I have but I can only lengthen a life so much until it snaps. And the death of my parents at such a young age doesn't help there either.

The only beings that have been a constant in my life was the phoenixes, my family. But even they have their limits, they cannot change their form without my help meaning there can't just be giant birds while I walk around with them and even if I can find a spell that can be used as a temporary solution, they are bound by my grandmothers orders to never leave the cave they are in.

Sometimes I just need an anchor to hold me down, to remind me why I am doing everything that I am now and sometimes I forget who I am and why I'm here. I need someone who can hold me and I need to know that, that someone will never let me go.

And when I see Elijah, he makes believe that it could all happen. He treats me like a child sometimes but he respects me and does not fear me. For once I believe in love, I believe in true happiness. I believe in destiny.

"What happened last night? When your skin dawned new markings and your eyes shifted to those when you were a phoenix?" He asked pulling me out of my thoughts and now instead of looking forward, he was looking right at me a worried expression on his face.

"I do not entirely know" I trembled, feeling so vulnerable.

"But it was... I was not myself, as if someone took over my body and fought for me. It was like watching someone use me in my own body, I can see everything that was happening but I wasn't the one thinking for it to happen." I continued trying to speak of the predicament.

" I take it you were the  cause of the earthquake a while ago?" he inquired a half smile on his face.

"Yes, I am sorry about that" I apologized looking to my feet that were on the grassy ground.

"No need to apologize, there was no harm done and you didn't do it on purpose" he replied placing his hand under my chin and lifting my face to face his.

And now we were just staring at one another, a comfortable silence in the air. A gust of wind that occasionally blowing wind here and there. It is always true when they say that the eyes are the windows to your soul because right at this moment, I see a man that has faced a lot of trauma and demons but despite all that he stands tall and firm and the man he is now is somethings that place a smile to my face.

"How do intend on finding Lilth?" he questioned changing the subject because he was fully aware of the topic of my new form was not for me right now.

"I'll try locator spells, maybe asking some friends to help me to search for her. Maybe ask for Klaus for help because he doesn't get much credit for it but he knows more about these things than I do" I spoke

"Yes, well when your own father chases after you for 400 years, it does things to you" he lightheartedly joked

"Elijah, I'm scared" I blurted out and closed my eyes "I'm scared that I cannot control these new powers and it will overwhelm me and take over me. I am scared that I will hurt my friends, your family, and you" I continued.

He suddenly moves forward and he just hugs me and holds on to me kissing my hair.

"You will overcome this and you will come out of it stronger" he stated just holding onto me keeping me close.

"But what if I don't, Elijah this all just new to me and I fear that only bad may come out of this" I sobbed into his clothes

"You can do it and I am sure of, I will be here to help you every step of the journey" he cooed into my hair.

"Well aren't you two just so lovely" I hear Rebekah say behind us. We both turn around to see that she was standing with Klaus right beside her and both their faces held a smirk, I promptly stood up from my position with Elijah and he soon followed.

"Why are you both here?" Elijah asked

"If you forgot brother, Lilth is still yet to be found and it seems Christopher is gone" Klaus addressed 

"Christopher is not gone he's just in one of the guest rooms, I laid him there to rest and I would know if he was gone" I informed

"Very well than, that just leaves us to find Lilth then" he spoke 

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