Chapter 1

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I was at the the meadows far from the barrier. The flowers were at full bloom. The different array of yellow, red, blue, pink, and violet petals littered the field. If you look to the horizon you can see the the dense trees that make up the forest on the outskirts of the village. The sunrise had begun making the sky a beautiful blend of yellow, orange, and red. It was beautiful serene even. In this moment, I wished my life would always be like this. I knew deep down it could, if I let it.

All that was interrupted by a banging feeling I got I knew that no one else could feel it around these parts, there were no other witches in this area. It was just the break of dawn and a supernatural creature made its way here but why?

Everyone knows that this area cannot be crossed by vampires, werewolves, and witches alike, well except for me and the residents here. There hasn't been a visitor in over 50 years and I grew weary. Either these people were new or they have no idea of us or they are not from here. Given our track record it could be any of the three or even another reason.

I slowly made way to where I could feel the presence of a supernatural creature that I have never quite incountered before. It felt vampiric but not like any other vampires, something older and more powerful. That's when I realized what it is.

The originals

I have never actually seen them in person or been close enough to feel their power even though I am a few meters away I could already feel their presence and power though not as strong as my own. They had a reputation of being cruel and vicious monsters. Today would be the first I would actually see them face to face.

I knew that the villagers are probably still as sleep due to it being already dawn. I finally reached the end of the forest.

I could see them but I doubt they could see me. There were three figures standing there, a carragie behind them, one was a lady while the other two were males. They all seemed to have an annoyed looks on their face but some more than others.

"What kind of sorcery is this? Why cannot we go through?" One of them said he had curly golden hair and blue eyes I immediately recognized him as Niklaus, the orginal hybrid. Well technically he's not the original he just doesn't know it.

"Brother shouting doesn't help us go through the barrier. Why don't we find someone, compel them to invite us in." the lady said she had beautiful long and curled blonde hair, sad to say her features could not be clearly seen because of the lighting of this time in the morning. But I knew she was Rebekah.

"I do not believe inviting us in would do any difference, there is a different magic at play here and I intend to get to the bottom of this." The second man spoke. He had dark brown hair that was carefully tied back. He had dark chocolate brown eyes and to be honest he was quite handsome. I knew he was Elijah.

All of them were stunning with their own right. They all were handsome and beautiful but Elijah stood out for me amongst the two men.

"What do you intend to do, brother? Wait until a young villager passes through? That could take hours and frankly I don't have the time to wait that long" Niklaus said

"We don't have to wait that long" he said before looking at my direction in the forest and continuing "come out don't be afraid we only wish to speak with you"

And in that moment I felt as though my heart has just suken deep down my stomach. I realized that I underestimated them in the first place. I knew they couldn't see me from where I was hiding but I completely forgotten that they could hear me, my breathing and heartbeat, they could also smell me.

I knew I shouldn't be afraid. I had an advantage over them but that still doesn't stop me from fearing them just a little bit. My heart quickening its pace. I have heard and seen a portion of the treacherous deeds and horrific acts in the sake of their cause.

I know I can do this and I will do this. Soon I stepped out of the spot where I was hiding behind the trees and faced them for the first time.

"Can you kindly explain to us why we cannot enter this town? And we won't have to hurt you." Elijah asked

"I suggest you make it quick. I am known to have a temper and I believe my brother here wants this to end with less blood as possible." Niklaus added

"Actually the barrier around the town cannot be entered by your kind" I replied with knew found courage.

"Ah so you know what we are?" Rebekah asked while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes, you're vampires, the first to be made" I replied bluntly

"That is quite true but you still have avoided my question, why can't we enter this so called barrier" Elijah asked, he was rather intrigued by the situation.

"A witch casted the spell to protect the villagers here" I said

"Do tell, who is this witch" Niklaus asked

"Me" I replied

In a blink of an eye Niklaus took the nearest tree branch and ripped it off leaving a sharp edge and throw it straight at me. I wasn't able to react as fast and it landed right at my left lung and I fell backwards.

"Why for goodness sake did you just do that Niklaus, she was the witch who casted the spell of the barrier, now we can't go through" I heard Elijah calmly state

"That's the point brother, when she dies the barrier will go down with her" Niklaused answered

"Well that proves you don't know how magic works and more importantly what I am capable of" I said while standing up grunting due to the tree branch poking out of my side and pulling it out causing blood to start pouring out and you could see smoke coming out of the hole in my dress. The smell of burning flesh is prominent. "This was my favorite dress, oh well I still can fix it" I flicked my hands and the blood stain started to disappear.

All there eyes were wide in shock and you could see it clearly, they weren't expecting this.

"How?" was all Rebekah managed to say

"Well because like Klaus I am a hybrid, the first one actually so that technically I'm original hybrid but I'll let you keep that title" I smirked facing. It seems that the revevaltion has only interested Elijah.

"Another hybrid?" Niklaus asked trying absorb the new information that has been given to him.

"Yeah but doesn't matter because you won't remember any of it" I said then started chanting a spell.

Soon all three fell to the floor. The spell made them forget this encounter and make them go some place else. I quickly ran back to the place where I was hiding in the first place.

Then they slowly stood up, all of them were utterly confused and disoriented. They collectively decided to go back to the carriage. Where Rebekah entered the passenger seat, while Niklaus and Elijah sat at the driver's seat.

They began leaving when Elijah looked back he bad an unreadable expression on his face and then I thought he saw me but looked forward and not facing back again until they couldn't be seen.

That was it my first ever encounter with the originals but I knew I will see them again whether it be the next month, year, decade, century, or millennium. Maybe next time I dont have to wipe their memory clean of me and my existence.

The morning sun had begun beating down on me. I started walking back to the pathway towards the small town wanting not more than to my house where my canine friend awaits me.

One Of A Kind || Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now