Chapter 7

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By the time night came, Elijah has already told Niklaus what we saw, but not Rebekah because she hasn't come back yet and they have yet to make a plan about the witches. I had already told Anne, Marie, Charity, and Edith what we saw at the cottage as well as the tunnels. To be honest they were not happy about it.

So as I stood at the entrance of the Mikaleson manor, it was just past midnight and I assumed everyone in the house has already been asleep but I walked quietly nonetheless, these were vampires after all, and soon I was out the door making my way into the town.

The town of Athens at night was drastically  different than that of morning. There were less people, the area was almost completely dark except for some torches by the path laid out for us and the light given by the moon but one place that would be most lively at night would be tavern, of course. It was always buzzing with noise at the tavern mostly at night.

But I see the one person, I really don't and shouldn't see right now and it was Elijah talking with a blonde female which I assumed was Rebekah. He must have went out the house last I saw him to find Rebekah and it was heart warming that he cared deeply for his sister but if he sees me now, out of the manor, he would immediately stop me and probably force me back to the manor.

As a result, I did what any other person who was in my position and I ran to where my house once stood. When I reached a safe distance that Elijah couldn't see me or hear me for that matter, I slowed down.

But by now I was already in the outskirts of the town with no one around and merely relying the light from the moon to guide me from now on. I begun treading into the forest which I once used to love but now felt a strange discomfort in.

At first, it was like any other forest luscious green and healthy all together but the deeper you walk all the green turns dark and dead. The once nicely stout trees turn to slender ones. It was unnerving and generally unsettling. Then came a fog that seems to only be here at night.

If I thought coming here this morning was scary, at night it was truly terrifying. I feel as though there were hundreds of prying eyes on me as of the moment. The sound of a crow ripped through the eerily silent atmosphere which caused me jump back in fear and surprise. Usually I wouldn't be this scared of places like this.

I have seen far worse more blood and more dark figures lurking in the shadows but there was something different here. Maybe it was the dark, the silence, the vision or maybe I was for the first time, utterly scared. Whatever it was, it is affecting my mind.

Soon you could see it, the cottage that started all this fear and irrational thinking. This was my chance to bail and head back to the town but even though my head was telling me to leave something within me was pulled to the cottage, to where the witches would be, and it definitely  wasn't my heart because it was racing and I believe it had the same decision as my head.

Despite what my common sense told me, I walked to the cottage and opened the door. Somehow I believed that the scenery inside the cottage changed with the rise of the moon but much to my delight it hadn't changed at all. There were still no furniture, there were no decorations what so ever what there was, was a large hole fitted with a stairwell in the middle of the cottage.

With a drawn out sigh, I walked down the stairs and as I passed the threshold there was a familiar feel of dread that has laced my body, very much similar to the one I felt this morning and even more powerful, if that was even possible.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs there was absolutely  no source of light what so ever and I couldn't seem to find a torch like this morning. Without another thought, I flicked my hand and it burst in to flame, first it was strong and large but soon settled down into a moderate flame.

The more I ventured into the cave the more I regretted it and the feel of soul of the damned at my feet. This place was seriously wrong. I should remind myself to put these souls at rest, once all of this was over.

As I reach to where the wall with the drawing of the three headed dog once stood, but now it was pushed to the side, indicating someone was indeed here. Even though I knew that there would be a point in this little adventure that I would meet the witches of my visions, I honestly didn't want to.

Chanting. I suddenly hear chanting like the one from my vision but not that same spell different, what I heard was a binding spell. The passage way was lined with torches so I placed the flame in my hand, out. 

I slowly made it deeper into the cave and soon I found the source of the chants though whoever was inside couldn't see me I was hiding behind one of the larger rocks but then, I felt a hand over my mouth and I looked up to see a man I a have never seen before. He was large around 6'5 and was strong.

I stomped my foot on his' and he let out a groan of pain before he could do anything I kicked him in the groin, which he recovered quickly and lunged at me, I tried to get out of the way but the was faster but how? he was a mere witch I could tell but he shouldn't be able to better me even if he was in peak physical condition.

That didn't matter when we both landed on the seance table and soon a second man came in hold my right arm while the other was gripping on to my left one. Suddenly, one of the witch on the floor stood up and I noticed her as the one who stabbed me, she looked at me smirking and the look on her face states she's happy for my uninvited arrival.

"I must say I wasn't expecting you until a little later darling but that doesn't matter right now does it?" she taunted

"Who on Earth are you? and what have you done to me?" I growled

"Ohh no need to get so upset, my name is Lilth and the reason you feel so weak right now is because the fog up at the forest was not exactly a fog, you see it was a fog ,technically, but was infused and spelt with a slow acting mistletoe, effective isn't it?, you getting weaker and weaker by the second." she grinned

It was indeed true I was feeling weaker and weaker but I will not be bested by some party trick so I quickly muttered a spell that made both men who were both holding me burst into flames and instantly letting me go and took this opportunity  and lunged at Lilth.

Though it seemed she was expecting it as she suddenly grabbed some kind of fine substance from her side pouch and blew it at my face. As soon as the substance reached my face I realized it was mistletoe.

I fell to the ground trying to breath in air, gasping as though I have just swallowed fire and the burning sensation was so intense, but I knew the more I stayed here There likely I would be detained again. So despite the pain in my lungs, I ran to the stairwell to out the cottage and ran into the woods.

I could hear them run after me but I knew in my state, they would get to me before I could reach the village so I decided it would be my best option to turn right now, here in the middle of the woods while people are chasing after me but I knew this would be the best way to get away from them.

And so I crouched to the ground activating the turning process and I could feel my bones breaking the loud sickening noise that was emitted, I could feel my arms grew larger and my legs shorter, and my skin turned into feathers and they soon burst into to flames.

Luckily for me I have mastered turning quickly and painlessly and by the time the witches have caught up to me I was already in the air. When I was already in the air I made sure that my body wasn't on fire and blended into the night sky so that I can't be tracked by the witches and to not be noticed by the townsmen. 

I flew above the city, my body still aching and hurting from all the mistletoe I have in my system and flew to the only place that I knew I would be some what safe in and that was the Mikaelson manor. 

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