'Well done... ' Ananya said to Aayan, who gulped the fruit frowning and gave her a thumbs up...

'Wow, you guys are really good in parenting, people of your age must see this and learn from you... ' Mrs. Kumar said and Aayan-Ananya smiled at this

'Your future kid and Amayraa are very lucky....' Mrs. Kumar said and Ananya - Aayan stiffened, but didn't say anything

Ananya takes a seat opposite to Aayan and Aayan turns off his laptop and looks at her

'Ananya, do me a favour... ' Aayan said

'And that will be...?' Ananya asked

'I have been receiving calls from the adoption authorities, they are asking whether I found Amayraa's relatives or not...' Aayan began

'You didn't adopt her officially...?' Ananya exclaimed shocked

'What kind of lawyer are you ! Don't you know ? That a single man in this country, cannot adopt a girl child...?' he taunted

'Oh.. Yeah... Yeah that's true... I am sorry, so what did they say...?' Ananya asked

'See when Lalit died, we weren't able to trace her relatives, so authorities made me her official guardian, but then I was supposed to find her relatives or a proper family for her, which I don't want to... I want to officially give her my surname, she is still Amayraa Mishra in papers... ' Aayan said and Ananya nodded

'So my lawyer suggested that after I get married, me and my wife that is you, should adopt her legally, so that she stays with us or else, they will take her away... ' Aayan said a bit scared

'Yeah, we should do that ASAP, why didn't you tell me this before, I would've started with the paper work... No issues will start it today itself... ' Ananya said and he nodded

Both of them didn't say anything for a while, and Mrs. Kumar went to drop Amayraa to her play school when they were silently having their breakfast, when Ananya was done, she got up...

'Listen, take my car... ' Aayan said forwarding his keys and Ananya frowned

'I use public transport, don't you remember...?' Ananya raised her brows

'Listen, I don't want to argue, just take my car...' He said irritated

'Thanks for the generous offer, but I think I can manage, so no thank you...' Ananya declined his offer

'It's not safe for you to travel alone, with that stalker still loose okay... ' Aayan said angrily and then pursed his lips

'How do you know about the stalker...?' Ananya raised her brows

'Doesn't matter, the point is you are not safe...' Aayan said

'Who. Told. You. About. The. Stalker...?' Ananya asked irritated

He took a deep breath and then looked away
'I... I hacked your phone... ' he said getting uncomfortable

'What....!' Ananya exclaimed

'You were not telling me anything and I knew something was wrong... ' Aayan explained

'Whatever bothers me, should not concern you... This marriage is for namesake remember...?' Ananya said angrily

'I know this, don't remind me that I am stuck with you... ' Aayan countered

'Even I am not happily enjoying my married life okay, the feelings are mutual... ' Ananya countered back

'Ananya, please you are my responsibility here... If something happens to you, I will be answerable to both our dads... ' Aayan said

'You are answerable to our dads for a lot of deeds including your own... ' Ananya reverted back angrily

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