The Seeds of Treason

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The first few flakes of snow gently settled down on the empty field under the watchful eyes of the winged dark figure. The frigid wind carrying snow from the far north lapped gently against the heavy fabric as if greeting an old friend. Slowly an armored hand reached out from underneath the dark robes, the first sign of movement in hours. The silvery metal gauntlet closed gently on a snowflake that strayed to close to the figure.

"I had forgotten how beautiful earth snow could be. It possesses such gentleness not possible on my world." The deep voice of the figure boomed out, seemingly speaking to no one. Moments later however another robed figure appeared, it's black wings and the long scythe clearly showing that Death had arrived.

"Why have you come brother? You so rarely visit my home." Death rasped out, his voice shaky from disuse. The only response was the howling wind as the original figure slowly turned to face his brother. Pulling back it's hood, the first revealed the gleaming ruby eyes and pallid flesh of Pestilence, the firstborn of God.

"Brother, there is only one reason that would demand my visit. Many of the lost and the damned have been reaped, yet they have not felt my judgement."

For the first time in a very, very long time Death itself was nervous. Plans spanning back eons had been discovered by his most loyal brother, and plot of rebellion had been dealt with harshly by their lord. Skeletal fingers tapped a quick staccato on his staff before he stared directly his brother's eyes. Normally Death could tell exactly what his eldest brother was thinking, but the twin rubies revealed nothing.

"Will you reveal my plans brother? I can do nothing to stop you."

Despite the whispers in his head begging Death to let his scythe feast on his brother's blood, and claim Pestilence's glory for himself, Death restrained himself. He would never harm his family on purpose and even the gnawing hunger couldn't force him to. Besides, he was unsure if his brother even had blood flowing through his veins anymore. 

Cold red eyes stared at Death for what felt like days, before they finally regained some of their normal warmth. Despite the obvious differences in color, Pestilence reminded Death of his only sister, Victory. He stood as a Beacon of Nobility, Protection and Warmth, reminding Death of better times. Before Lucifer's war against the same lord Death now plotted against, this had been his eldest brother's normal visage. Pestilence shook his head sadly once before he began to speak.

"I will not. I have many secrets I wish I could tell my family, and so do our siblings. He knows not of your plot, as always he is far to interested in his precious mortals and that golden city of his. Make sure it stays that way."

Pestilence's voice filled with bitterness as he spoke of their inactive creator, surprising every bone in Death's body. Even during the war of the first sin, or Pestilence's most drunken tirades, he had never spoken Ill of their lord. Before Death could say anything back to his eldest brother, Pestilence teleported off of the planet, his form exploding into darkness.

Soon Death left behind the frozen plain as well, a haunting smirk etched onto his face. The howling snow quickly covered up their foot prints, removing any trace that the two deadly beings were ever there.

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