The Forgotten Forge

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"Sister, how in the lord's name did you forget this place existed? We forged our symbols of power here!" Exclaimed the jocular voice of Pestilence, his words slightly slowed with his inebriation. Glancing away from Victory, he pushed open the iron door that he had locked so long ago.

As he took his first steps into the room huge piles of dust drifted billowed into the air, forcing pestilence into a coughing fit as he stamped further into the room. Grasping blindly at one of the walls, he finally hit a rogue button. Green flames slowly began their trek around little engravings in the wall.

Practically running back into the hallway, Pestilence began emptying his lungs of all the offending material that had crept its way inside. After a few minutes of heavily coughing - with Victory amusedly watching Pestilence suffer- he straightened himself, and walked back into the room as if nothing had happened. Spinning around quickly, causing Victory to jump back sharply, he extended out his arms into an exaggerated bow that disturbed all the heavy layers of dust "Welcome, my dear, to the original forge of the four!"

Grumbling slightly about the fact that there was no need to be so dramatic, Victory pushed past her eldest brother, stepping carefully in the path of least dust. Already she felt memories stir at the far corners of her mind. The green flames were a new (relatively anyways) addition, as she distinctly remembered the room only being lit from a fire pit in the center of the room. A door had been installed on Pestilence's wall, with heavy chains draped over it. One of Victory's eyebrows raised slightly, sarcastically saying that wasn't suspicious at all in her head, before she continued practically dancing her way to her destination.

As she reached a small little extrusion out of her wall, small little pops began echoing around the room as the layers of dust began to burn. She touched the cold metal wall, and practically get the old memories flood back in. Back when she still had an almost child-like mentality, she had spent uncountable hours watching Pestilence working in this very Forge. Conjuring up her favorite memories, she glanced back at her eldest brother who was fiddling with the locked door.

"Pes, do you still have my old toys?" Her voice echoed throughout the old room, and Pestilence merely turned around and stared at her with an unreadable expression in his eyes. Reaching deep into his black coat, he pulled out a furry object and took a few long strides over to Victory.

Grabbing one of her hands, he gently pressed the object into her grasp. Then, without saying anything, he merely turned back around and walked to the door.

Despite being the literal Embodiments of the apocalypse, the horsemen once were once almost child-like. None of them were entirely sure why they had been created with full sized bodies, but a childlike mentality. After each of them were found, Pestilence had taken them back to the castle he had built beneath the gates of the desolate (at the time) city of Heaven.

Even more memories of ages past flooded into Victory's mind as she stared at the small doll Pestilence had pushed into her hands. He had created many toys for his three younger siblings to distract them, as he was forced to desperately attempt to fulfill all of the horse men's duties. Her favorite had been a small cloth horse, which now stood in between her hands. It was slightly different than how she had last seen it, but after literal millennia passing by, Victory was surprised it wasn't a pile of dust.

After a few seconds of scanning the cloth animal, Victory looked up just in time to see her clumsy brother War burst into the room, only to immediately trip over a table leg. In a chain of event that would throughly confuse her for a few more seconds, War landed with a much higher pitch sequel than she had expected from him, and Pestilence -distracted with carefully unlocking the door, and not noticing War's previous fumble- swung quickly towards the sound, taking the chains (and the door) with him.

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