The Fall of Death

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In the large open council house, surrounded by four large golden thrones and marble statues, stood a man wrapped in metallic chains.
The man was particularly strange, as at first glance one might think he was an angel. He stood at 15 feet tall, looked vaguely male, and had wings. But his skin was a pallid white color, and wings as black as a moonless night. But what was worse was his eyes, a solid black with no other color. They resembled black holes or a whirlpool of darkness, constantly spinning and drawing you in deeper and deeper.
This man was certainly no Angel, for he was the physical manifestation of death. The one at the end of every life, waiting to drain you of your precious soul. The ones who always hungers, never full. The endless glutton. The one whose scythe is the last thing any living being will see.
But at the moment, there was nothing to be worried about for he was covered head to toe in chains and surrounded by his fellow horsemen. War and Victory held their weapons as they sat on their gilded thrones, glaring at the horsemen who rode to soon. Pestilence sat lazily about, with chains around his hands but the scales were still held. Death's scythe lay bound upon his throne.
Death had riden to soon on a civilization, and brought their doom. Pestilence had follow first, then slowly by the others for more chaos would spring up if they didn't. A battle soon broke out between Death and the two reluctant horsemen over the shattered world. Pestilence simple watched the show, for who can beat Victory and War together? Well the two other horsemen can, but that's to much work.
The battle was over quickly and the chains of God, which once held the first fallen angel, Lucifer himself, found their way around the horseman.
Pestilence, pleased with the break in the constant boredom decided to tamper with his scales to lessen with the punishment of Death. If God had a problem with it, he would have told Pestilence. "You know it's sooo much easier to weigh scales with my hands unbound" The hooded figure of Pestilence stated, fumbling around with the weights of his scale of Justice. "You are lucky that you are not receiving the same punishment, for you force us to ride." both Victory and War snarled back.
After finally setting the weights on the scale, Pestilence allowed it to swing up and down, judging Death for his sins and his virtues, until finally it stopped. "Death, dear horseman, your punishment shall be to live as a powerless mortal until your untimely end. Then you shall resume your roles as a Horseman. Until then I have been commanded to take up your damned role as reaper of souls. Once you are back I shall live as a human king for 40 years, and then the king shall die." The owner of the scales pronounced, reading the will of God.
"Why must I be punished as well? I already take enough time performing my duties with Famines and Plagues!" The Lazy Horseman exclaimed after a short pause, glancing towards the open sky where the floating clouds of heaven could be seen, then back towards the large pit that led to the mortal universe.
"Any last words, Death?" War snarled, deeply frustrated with the outcome of the meeting.
The pale skull of Death nodded his head no, and with his angry glare set fire to the tree near the castle of the Horseman.
"Then begin your life as mortal, and don't come back until you die! Hopefully that will be a long time, for your punishment is too light for what you did." Victory, the only female horseman, told Death.
And so Death fell into the mortal realms, void of his powers and no more than a mere mortal.

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