The King of the Seas

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    Looking out of one of the small windows on the boat 'The Enchantress' was the King of the Seas, as well as the God of Pirates and Insanity. He once was a Elven King, until he was betrayed and cast out. His new 'family' was the Ageless cult and their city under the sea.
    All he had from his old life was his skull (The rest of his bones had been broken and/or replaced at one point or another), his silver locket, and his precious black ring. His locket was hidden in the ageless city, and then forgotten about, while his ring was still on his bony hand.
     He cared little for his past, after all what matters to the Lord of Insanity? His golden sword was a part of him, as was as his black metallic ring. Parts of his soul, and a deities soul is very powerful.
       " In Amsterdam there lived a maid,
Mark well what I do say!
In Amsterdam there lived a maid,
And she was mistress of her trade."
Even now his somehow unfailingly cheerful crew was sing one of their shanties. Amsterdam wasn't even real, but did that stop them? No, the God thought grumpily.
      His chef, who reminded the God of a lost puppy at times, was one of the loudest singers, matched only by the sadistic yet polite powder monkey. Even being an undying skeleton who inspired nightmares in the living put no damper in their cheer.
        He wished for some unfortunate ship to cross his, just to end his boredom and shut his crew up, even if just for a minute. His crew was so much more enjoyable when they were slaughtering mortals. Quartermaster Clott understood this, and knew the God very well, as Clott was among the first to join his crew well over 2,000 years ago.
    If no new ships or costal town were passed by soon then he would just have to teleport to one. He didn't want to do that, as once he started using his divine powers life would get so boring. And cursing his luck, the skies began to fill with dark rolling clouds.
    The storm promised to be powerful and fully of rage, as it was caused by a dispute between two dragon aspects. Feueranda, the Mistress of Fire and Esiakull, the Mistress of Ice. The lightning would burn with the fires of all seven hells at once, while the rain would freeze you until your limbs fall off. While Ageless could not be killed, unless their skulls were crushed, it would still hurt a lot.
      The purple mist around the God was slowly becoming more and more solidified as his annoyance and boredom grew. He could sense a powerful presence nearby, one that promised to become a dream weaver, one who could sense the future.
    If he could capture that person, and them his ally... All planes would shudder under his might. No one could stop him if the future was his to know. He stop all his enemies, pillage from every corner of every plane with nothing to fear!
       The beginning of the soft clinking of rain against his glass window brought him back to reality. He could vaguely tell where that presence was, but it would be mostly up to chance. If only he knew where they were going...
    Any wise mortal captain would be going towards the nearest port to shelter from the Aspects' wrath. The nearest port was Deviallen, the capital of the Dwarven Dale-lands. Perhaps they could intercept them before they reached the Dwarven City. If not, it had been a while since he raided Deviallen.
     Grinning largely, a sight that would send grown men running in terror, he stood up from his large wooden chair. He bounded across the room and began cackling madly, a true cackle that the God of madness would of course have, as he opened the door to his cabin. Lightning flashed, shinning brightly off of his golden teeth.
     "Set sail for Daviallen, ye worthless men! Wondrous booty and countless riches await ye all!" The captain and God bellowed at his crew. The reaction was immediate, as the crew instantly began performing to his orders. They were stirred like a hornet's nest, eager to spill blood and claim gold for their liege.
     Now the rain was pouring down in a constant stream of water. Lightning flashes light up the sky, illuminating it before dying off. No rest for the wicked he thought.
   The boat had been spotted trying to flee to Daviallen, but he had caught up. Now they would face the might of the terror of the seas. The powerful presence would become his ally, or he would vanquish that threat.
The constant bombardment of the enemy ship was amusing. It was simply there, being thrashed in the angry sea and shot full of cannon holes. But he had to end the bombardment early or the presence would be killed before he could recruit them. The other ships' crew would likely be slaughtered anyways.
"Board the ship ye men. Try not to kill them right now will ye? There is a potential ally over yonder." He told the men calmly, already knowing they would follow his orders. Some of the men walked down to the cannon to be fired to the other ship, while most simply jumped into the ocean.
This presence would be identified he thought. They would ether join him or die today. For he Bopen, Terror and King of the Seas, God of Pirates, Greed and Insanity said so. Soon all planes would bow in terror to him.

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