A Mother's Pain

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The woman could feel nothing but an endless sea of pain. Her glossy eyes gazed lifelessly at the sharp metal puncture through her bloated stomach. She could vaguely hear a scream of indescribable rage echo around her, but it felt so... distant. As if it didn't matter anymore.

More sounds echoed around her, muffled as if underwater, and her battle-hardened mind flickered uselessly. Familiar sounds, the sickening snap of spines and the heavy path of a blade rending skull from body. In her former line of work they were unfortunately common.

With another splat the masked skull of her attacker landed in front of her, forming its own pool of blood.

It bled gold, the blood of the gods.

Suddenly her stomach tightened once more, the pain flaring further. A quick pull from some unknown persona and the sword impaling her was gone. In its place came a steady stream of platinum blood, so unlike her own crimson. It would have been distressing for any other mortal, but for some reason it calmed her.

Her child would not end up being a weapon, and it would never have to learn the cruel truths of life. Perhaps she was being selfish, or more probable, she was becoming lightheaded from a lack of blood. She had been ecstatic about her only child after all.

She was brought out of her dismal thoughts by a pair of strong arms that easily lifted her. The wind blew harshly against the open wound as her benefactor ran somewhere with her cradled like a fragile child.

A rather sudden stop jostled her forwards, her already dark red hair turning crimson as her blood flowed like a steady stream. The cold, polished marble was suddenly pressed into her back as her helper put her down.

Unlike before, where everything was dull and muted, she could suddenly feel everything. The morning dew still glistened on a nearby evergreen, it's branches neatly pruned to fit with the grand palace before her. Imposing stone towers spiraled into the sky, breaking the oily clouds still heavy with rain. Warm hands clutched her side, and a body sheltered her from the cruel wind. Three humans stood around a currently disabled fountain, their bodies hidden under rough cloth. But what mattered most the woman was what she finally saw.

The Dark golden eyes above her that could only belong to one person in the world. Normally they were filled with a mischievous light, but all she could she now was a deep well of pain and hatred.

As she saw those emotions in the golden eyes , she began to feel those as well. The full weight of what just happened began to crush her, and for the first time in a very long time tears came to her eyes. The Gods, who she had served for almost 50 years had decided to kill her because of her child. Her child, the miracle that wasn't to be.

Never would she feel the warm emotions of motherhood. Never would she see her own child even breath. Her forced dabbling in Necromancy, and now her eternally sustained body had come at a great cost. A family of her own.

Her breath began to slow, and finally everything she had seen began to grow dim once more. Her bluish-gray eyes began to close, wishing to never open again. Unfortunately for her, the enraged deity before would not allow her to die. She was too important, to both his plans and to him. Sending a brief pulse of energy was more than enough to heal her, but even he couldn't bring back the dead.

Her breathing quickly began to stabilize, and the hole quickly began to stitch itself back together. After a short period her stomach began receding, and the only indicator of the event was a tear in the woman's shirt.

Still, the deity was enraged. His golden eyes glowed as harsh as the sun in a desert, and his fist was clenched so tightly that his own platinum blood began to stream out of his fists. He pulled away from the half-elven woman, and turned back to the assassin.

The severed head, still covered by the ugly white mask, was still muttering. Gods (and angels) were particularly hard to kill, even from the Man's experiences. As the man walked closer he began to hear full words, and a cruel smirk spread across his face.

The severed head -while still living- was clearly insane. It's insane words floated out like a whip, cursing everything that came near it.

The man did not care about it's insanity however. He simply grabbed the skull by the remainders of a white ponytail, and took off the mask. Upon the Skull seeing who was looking at it, it froze. The curses that had flowed like a waterfall were suddenly stopped as the angel gazed upon the man, its eyes widened in horror.

"I-I-I-Impo-ossible! H-h-he promised you wouldn't be here!

The man's response was simple, he pulled the skull further up until brown eyes met golden. Those golden eyes that bored straight into his mind, as if prying at the deepest secrets in the creatures' skull.

"Tell your master that he has crossed a line. This land and it's gods are in great need of purifying. They need to be wiped clean, so life may start anew. But only through spilt blood, can life truly be restored."

The golden eyes narrowed, before the man spat out one final sentence.

"So says the master of Fate, Juri'otep."

After that, the golden eyed man crushed the Angel's skull in one simple movement.
I think this one was pretty good as well. It's a bit shorter than most of my others, but it wasn't meant to be extremely long. In fact, I had wanted this to be so short that I could also write a special Halloween chapter, but I ended up not finishing this one. Would have felt too abrupt of an ending (even more than it is now) if I cut it off earlier.

This is yet another pseudo-history lesson for my Ravenous Horde Book. Can't really write the full story until my other two players play a bit more of the RP with me. (*Cough* eclipse_0 needs to get ungrounded *cough*) 

Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed and hopefully I'll see y'all next time

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