A tale of Two Eagles

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So, before this starts I would like to say a few things. Firstly, This is inspired by a mixture of an Amazing Writer on another website (Bluesunkatsuri on Fanfiction. Net) and a anime called Hetalia: Axis Powers. I originally wrote this about a year ago, and it was actually my first time writing and actually releasing my writing online. Hopefully y'all like it.

Second thing, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Hope y'all enjoy your time with family (lord knows I didn't) and get what you want out of this holiday season.
The Holy Roman Empire
The poor doomed eagle knew what was coming. He had known for a very long time. The voices had told him, just as they told him his younger brother would be the one to finally unite his family. He had always been close to death, but...

To anyone who passed by him they would simply see a child dressed up as a warrior, and chuckle at him before continuing on their way. If only they knew the truth. This boy had lived for a thousand years and had seen so much. Those bright blue eyes had seen more blood and terror and death than even the self-proclaimed god of war. They had seen the fall of empires, and the death of his own family. But now they saw his own death.

His death was coming closer and closer. He could now hear the gunshots. Those terrible gunshots... His former people were coming closer and closer to kill him. His brother and his wife were freaking out attempting to pull him out of the city, but he knew it was all for naught. He had failed. He would die no matter what happened now. This war had seen to that.

He slowly walked to the nearby balcony and opened it, before a artillery shell hit the roof rendering to splinters with a flash of light. The young boy fell and fell until he landed between the warring armies.

The young boy woke up to the clinking of chains and the muttering of France. The 'meeting' proceeded on without to much trouble for the french weasel unfortunately, and the boy could feel the pain from the lost land. His vision disappeared with the few words that doomed him, "The Holy Roman Empire will be dissolved" in a flash of blinding pain and torturous agony.

He woke back up in a wagon with a cloth above his head and the love of two of his brother peering over him. He could still feel the pain, but now it was over shadowed by the sickness worming through his body. His body could feel it spreading to his heart but he still had about 4 weeks left.

The boy could only hope that his passing would not shatter Prussia anymore then he already was. He was already close to burning over and unleash hell upon earth and there was almost no one left to keep him anchored to the human world. The demon inside of his family was threatening to boil over after this war with the despicable weasel who doomed his fellow nations.

Eventually the the pain was to much, and once again he fell unconscious. Just this time to the gentle sound of Hungary's singing and the hooves of horses clattering against the shattered cobbles of the tiny path in the forest.

This was how he wished to die. In a forest hearing the birds chirping, and the rivers flowing downstream without any semblance of war and suffering around him. But he had to hold on and speak with Prussia one last time. Then he could meet his family who left before him and never see a funeral again. He could see Bavaria, Brandenburg, His father, maybe even God himself and all the wonders of the world.
The young man dressed in the dark grays of a German officers uniform stormed the french fortification, screaming bloody murder along with his men following close behind. He was even more unique then his appearance told, as even though he was an Albino with blood red eyes. He was the incarnation of Prussia, and the self-proclaimed demon of War and Conquest. It was his time to unleash hell upon the evil world that had taken so much from him. His Family, those he once called friends, even some of his own people now fought against him.

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