Dark Wolf, Dark Wings, Darker Men

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   The Pregnant Divine Shadow Wolf, one of the last of its kind, burst through the woods desperately trying to reach a sacred birthing ground before those murderous monsters... No they were Men, not monsters, found her. They had murdered her mate, and now were after her. The Shadow wolves were a near extinct race, hunted down for their beautiful fur and godly powers.
   Any Mage who got their had hands on a Shadow wolf pup gained immediate power and recognition, whilst any ranger who gained their fur was immediately immortalized in terms of fame. These men were nether, simply hunting her down just for the thrill of it.
    The laborious breaths of the wolf grew slower and slower as she felt her baby getting ready to be birthed. Her golden blood slowly oozed out of the arrow wound on her back left leg, providing a glowing trail under the bright light of the moon for the hunters.
   If only she could make it to the nearest sacred den, for it was blessed by Sehanine herself, the Goddess of the moon, Beauty and Winter as well as being the creator of the Shadow Wolves. The Den would kill these vile men and heal her wounds.
   She could hear them slowly closing in on her, tromping through the woods like a insane elephant. They were fast though, too fast for a severely injured and pregnant Shadow wolf.
    Thankful the boarder was merely a minute away. So the Wolf pushed on, despite the near constant pain from her  leg.
   The Fully bloomed flowers shined brilliantly under the full moon. The Large ancient trees, older than even the immortal wolf, lay silent as she ran past  them. Were she not being hunted right now, the scene would be one of beauty and tranquility. The objects began to blur as she ran, coming closer and closer to her goal.
    Upon entering a unnaturally large large clearing she began howling. For she could see both the Moon, glowing eerily bright, and the magical boundaries of the den.
  Already she could feel the pain disappearing and her blood being stopped from continuing the constant flow that had been giving the hunters a trail.
   Everything seemed brighter now. The trees on the edge of the forest were leaning towards her, glistening with the dew that had formed during the last day. The blue and red flowers near her were fully opened, despite them normally closing at night. An owl on a ancient tree was hooting peaceful at her. A Dragon soared in the night sky, its muscle bound wings keeping it aloft.  The Snowy caps of the nearby mountain range reflected some of the moonlight.
   But with her sharp ears she could hear the hunters coming even closer. Nervously she began bounding across the clearing.
   As she was crossing the boundary of the den, the hunters broke through the tree line. The worse thing about them was what they were. They were not ruthless Orcs,  near moral-less glitch or Insane Frostborn. They were simple mortals, who hunted for the sake of killing.They were dressed in black cloaks that covered their bodies but from what she had seen, she could tell they were a mixed Elven and Dwarven party of about 5,.
    With a feminine shout, one of the elves let loose a arrow from her wooden bow at the now terrified Wolf. A Roar sounded out as the arrow speed towards it target, deafening all that heard it. It came from nether the Hunters nor the Wolf. It was the roar of an enraged Dragon.
    With an earthshaking landing the Pure white dragon, whose wings were draped in shadows, placed himself between the two opposing parties snapping the arrow as it hit his metallic hide.
    "I am Revith, Praetor of the first Teutonic Legion, Heir to the Primarch. You are hunting in my territory without permission. Do you know of the punishment?" The Dragon stated, angered at their treatment of the Divine Shadow Wolf.
"W-we were ab-about to leave, My lord" Another female Elf stuttered out.
"Do you know the punishment?" Revith repeated, grimacing slight.
"No, but why does it matter? We were about to leave." Stated a dumb Dwarf, emboldened by the Dragon's lack of action.
"For the Punishment is death." Revith stated, opening his maw. Out poured a constantly stream of ice, so forcefully it froze and then shattered the five intruders into pieces.

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