A threat to War

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Scrambling forward as quickly as he could a man with a large dark grey cloak ran across the empty castle halls. He was desperately trying to find someone, anyone of the others would help him. They'd had to, it was vitally important. The fate of entire solar systems depended upon them helping him. If they were not stopped his dreams would never come true.
     He was seeking Death, Victory or even Pestilence even though he currently held his seal of Sloth. One of them should be able to help. As he ran the cloak fell off of his shoulders and head, revealing dark black hair and red wings. He was War, the final Horsemen. When he final reached their throne room he found Victory meditating on her golden throne.
    "Call the others, please Victory!" War begged the meditating horseman (or is it horsewoman?) causing her purple eyes to opened quickly and her white wings to flutter nervously. "What ails you so War? I have only seen you this nervous and afraid once, at that was right before the war of sin." She said, worried of what the answer would be.
"It's Earth, but please call the others. My powers are not behaving" War said frantically, ready to beg Victory once more.
"Fine, but I do not feel the call of the ride." Victory stated, before closing her eyes once more. Noticeably waves of power began emitting from her, slightly pushing everything backwards from the sheer force of her will.
The effects were immediate, as two tiny black holes were forced over the thrones of Death and Pestilence. The two black holes warped the space around them, sucking in even the nearby light that was given off by the star essence in the middle of the room.
With two loud pops the unstable black holes burst into shadows before changing their form into the two horsemen. Death was in his normal attire, a black cloak, and had his scythe laying on his lay. Pestilence was wearing a brown leather tunic, and held a bottle of beer in his hands and the scales of justice nowhere to be seen.
"So what do ya need, Victory?" Pestilence slurred, slightly drunk (And not helped any by the Sin of Sloth) "I was talking to this Greek Goddess, and she seemed kinda angry for some reason. It was fun teasing her, even though she kept threatening me with her bow. Kinda reminds me of you Victory, but her name is Ar-"
"Why do you call?" Asked Death, eager to cut through Pestilence's drunken chatter. Pestilence was normally fine, but his seal of Sloth brought out the worst in him (At least in Death's eyes). If only they didn't all need the seals to contain their power whilst walking among the mortals.
"War wished for me to call you. Something has happened on Earth." Victory informed the two new horsemen of what little she knew.
"T-there is a new ideology on earth. They seek to destroy me and live in nature, or something like that. Do you see what this means?!" War yelled, as he had been growing gradually louder and louder.
"Other civilization have had peaceful ideologies before, like the Valt'yre. What is so different about this one?" Victory attempted to rationalize, whilst Pestilence started staring disinterested at War.
    "But it's Earth! One of the last few reliable Planets for regular bloodshed! They are so ruthless that they separate each other into separate groups to justify massacring each other, even though they are the same race. If even Earth can become peaceful, what is my place in the universe?" War asked becoming more and more demoralized.
     "Pestilence, I believe now is the time for the seal of wrath." Death said, to War's sudden excitement and Victory's sighs of defeat.
     "If ya say so!" Pestilence exclaimed, before downing his entire bottle of beer. Once that was through, he pulled a silvery disk with a great bear engraved upon it from thin air. After that he pushed the metal disk into his chest and another disk, this one coppery with a horned goat upon it, flew from his chest before disappearing.
     Pestilence's normally blood red eyes were replaced with a poisonous green color, and his wings turned a deep black, almost rivaling Death's. His leather tunic and pants were transformed into a full suit of European knight's armor, made of a silver metal. This was the Wrath of Pestilence.
"They will be tortured through hunger and pain for a century! When they beg to die, I shall be the one to grant them death's scythe. They will drown in their blood each day, constantly regretting their delusions of trying to hurt a horseman! Their body may survive, but there mind will be shattered beyond re-" Pestilence stated, now literally trembling with rage before Victory interrupted him.
"Do you not remember the last time we directly interfered? Death caused what the humans call World War One, because he thought a little death would spice things up! We were forbidden by God to interact with Earth for forty years and then War caused then second one before that time was up!"
Pestilence deflated slightly, his poisonous green eyes turning a light red, before stating "Fine, but their movement will shrivel and die. Humanity has no use for them, and nether do we."
War's eyes began to burn brightly, thanking the other horsemen for aiding him. Humanity would unite itself through war, and once that once through they would expand through war. He could already see the mighty Legions of Man carving a bloody warpath through the universe led by one of their emperors. He knew not how long he needed to wait, or who would lead their empire, but he was ready to wait.
And no mortal would break that dream, even those who are called 'Hippies'. He was already salivating at the mere thought of their conquests.

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