Chapter Eleven

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Alasdair tracked them down over two hours later, while they were walking along looking at the store fronts. He took Isabelle's hand and pulled her close. She blushed as he leaned down to kiss her. Haelan laughed at her flustered expression. Alasdair slid his arm around her waist and pulled her forward so they could continue on their way.

"Did you have a good visit with your mother?" She looked up at his profile. He smiled.

"I did yes." His steps angled away from the square.

"Where are we going?" Isabelle asked. 

"Does Harrigan's still serve that stew?" Alasdair asked Haelan over her head.

"It's been a tradition since before he sprouted his wings." Haelan replied.

"Excellent." Alasdair looked down at Isabelle. "We're going for lunch." They rounded a corner and Isabelle smiled. At the end of the road was the large building she had seen the night before.

She took in the building briefly before they entered. The large two story structure was built on the ground, under a large tree. The base was thick logs on top of which sat stone walls that rose up two stories. Large windows lined the second floor, the first floor had three spaced out along the side facing the wide road. Haelan pulled the heavy wood door open and ushered the couple ahead of him. As soon as Alasdair entered there was a shout and an older gray haired male faerie with silvery grey wings hurried over to them.

"Stars alive! The wayward prince has returned!" His big booming voice bounced off the walls of the empty dining room. Alasdair's arm dropped from Isabelle's waist as he was pulled into the older faerie's embrace.

"Harrigan," Alasdair chuckled and hugged him, lifted him several inches off the floor.

"Put me down youngster." Harrigan said with a laugh. Isabelle watched the exchange with a smile. Her eyes went wide as Harrigan pushed Alasdair aside and moved in front of her. "And who is this?"

Isabelle put her hand out. "Isabelle Simpson." He took her hand and lifted it up to his lips to place a gentle kiss on her fingers.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He winked at her and then drew her towards a table. "Come, sit, we shall feed you the best stew in all the realms." He pulled out a chair and waited for her to sit then turned his head. "Tobyn!" A young male faerie came out from a pair of swinging doors, wiping his hands on a worn apron. "Our guests need drinks. Three ale's and a rose punch." The younger faerie moved behind the bar to pour the drinks then hurried over to the table to deliver them. Harrigan leaned close to Isabelle. "It's my very own creation." She lifted the glass to her lips and sipped the pink concoction.

"It's delicious," she said with a smile.

"This woman has good taste," he winked at her then turned to Alasdair. "It's a wonder she's still with you lad." Haelan and Alasdair laughed while Isabelle hid her smile behind her glass.

"I'm baffled as well." Alasdair leaned towards her and pressed a quick kiss on her cheek.

"What you are is lucky," Harrigan laughed. He waved at Tobyn. The young male scurried over to the table. "Stew for our guests." Tobyn nodded and hurried off to the kitchen. "So then," he said to Alasdair, "have you been showing your lady our realm?"

"We just arrived last night." Alasdair sat back in his chair.

"Ah well, make sure you show her Queens Hill." Harrigan looked at Isabelle. "It has the calmest lake you'll ever see. You'd swear it's made of glass. It's so beautiful, you'll love it." She smiled at him and cast a quick glare at Haelan when he choked on his ale. Tobyn appeared over his shoulder with a tray of bowls and a basket of freshly baked bread. He set the bowls in front of the guests and the basket in the middle of the table then disappeared into the kitchen.

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