Chapter One

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White wings twitched with impatience as her eyes scanned the expanse of blue before her. Green eyes squinted slightly as the sun peeked out of from behind a puffy cloud and the rays bounced off the surface of the glassy lake. Her ears caught the sound of wings flapping off on the distance, and she turned to look for the source of the sound. Full red lips curved in a smile as the figured closed the distance between them. She waved the set of guards, who were standing at silent attention four feet away from her, farther aside. Stealth was so ingrained in their movements that they didn't make a sound as they turned and walked up the hill. Far enough away to give her the privacy she'd commanded but close enough to respond should the situation warrant their intervention.

They wouldn't be needed that day.

The creature winging his way to the regal figure waiting at the edge of the lake was as close to a friend as she could claim in her position. He had been steadfast in his pursuit of a solution to her problem, even when other's had grown tired of the search and declared it impossible, he'd continued his dogged quest.

He landed with a soft thump, his aged knees creaking slightly as they bent to absorb his weight. "Your majesty," he said softly as he lowered himself to one of those knees.

"Were you successful?" Her hands pressed against her stomach in anticipation of another failure.

"Yes, your Majesty. It has been made so that she will be able to understand it." His lips turned up in a smile as he waited for her response. Unconsciously, his fingers grazed the leather satchel hanging at his side.

She blinked a few times as she took in the unexpected news. "And you think she is the one?"

He was silent for a moment, then his gaze lifted from the hem of her creamy white gown. The hope shining in her eyes made her appear centuries younger than she was. For a moment he was transported back in time, to the night he'd been brought before her, and charged with finding a way to free her son. Her head tilted as the silence between them lengthened. "In the time I've known her, she has always been kind."

"It will take more than kindness."

He looked down again. "I know."

"What is it?" She prompted.

"She's a good person and what we're going to do to her—"

"He will not harm her—"

"I know not physically but—"

"If she is not the one we will remove him from her possession."

"But what of—"

"We will help her."

The tension eased from his shoulders. "Thank you, your Majesty."

"She is your friend?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"I don't envy the choice you've made though, I appreciate your sacrifice," she said with a little frown. "And hers."

He stood with a grimace. "I'll give it to her tonight." She nodded once then turned to murmur the spell to open the portal to the human realm.

There was nothing more to be said between them. He stepped through the portal then turned to watch her image, and the image of his home realm, fade from view. He sighed as it closed completely, leaving him in his cramped little office. He set the satchel on the overcrowded desk with a muffled thump, then tucked his wings against his back, grabbed the sport coat he'd left hanging on the back of his chair, and pulled it on to hide the silvery gray feathers away from prying eyes.

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