Are you ready?

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Final chapter.

Jeff's POV

Nothing but worry and rage was filling me. Tim was trying his best and he kept yelling at me to leave the room, I couldn't handle it I yanked my knife out if my pocket and slammed him against the wall.

"if you do not save her! I will yank out your fucking intestines and spread them across this whole hospital for EVERYONE! To see!" There was a hint of fear in my voice that was very unfamiliar to me. "Even if you are the host to the only thing close to a friend I know. Masky would forgive me." I watched him gulp and nod. I put my knife back into my pocket "And if you do. You tell that son of a bitch out there that she's gone. She's coming with me." I was facing the other way.

"Jeff.. I can't do that I'll loose my jo-"

"DOES IT LOOK LOOK I GIVE A FUCK TIM!?" I screamed and whipped my head around so that I was looking at him. He shook his head quickly and went back to work. I went back to carving things Into my chair with the tip of my blade. It was quiet and after Tim stabilized her. He looked at me.

"It's probably your fault she did this to herself." He spoke to me with a glare. I glared back at him. I didn't have a rebuttal because he was probably right. He put on his best 'sad doctor' face, then he left the room. I walked over and sat at her bedside. I held her hand. Just hoping she would wake up.

"I'm ...sorry." I said. Voice cracking "Konna.. I'm so.. So sorry... This is all my fault.. I left. I could have stopped this. This is my fault." I said squeezing her hand tighter "please wake up.." I whispered I said squeezing her hand tightly. I hurried my face against the bed. I'm not even sure if I can cry anymore but i didn't want to find out right now. I tried to push through the emotion. "I cared to much and maybe it was a good thing but I showed it in the wrong way." I looked at her beautiful face with the new edition of the stitched smile. Up her right cheek. I just wanted to see her beautiful eyes.

I sat there at the side of her bed for 6 hours. Until I felt her hand grip mine. She didn't even open her eyes but the first thing she said was my name. "Konna.. I'm here I'm right beside you." I spoke reassuringly. She opened her eyes slowly and I watched as she focused her gaze on me. She attempted to crack a smile.

"ow" she said as she raised her free hand to touch her face. I laughed.

"you tried to cut your face open on one sides you have stitches. You'll heal." She nodded. I explained to her that Tim/ Masky claimed her as legally dead. I gave her some time to process all this information.


A few days later Konna was asleep, and Tim and I were sitting in the room looking out the window while he was on break.

"Do you think she can handle this life?" Tim asked me as he sipped his coffee. He was leaned back in chair, legs crossed reading the paper by the window.

"I do." I replied to him while looking out the window at the people entering and exiting the hospital below.  Tim made a noise that seemed to be of objection. "You disagree?" I asked turning my attention to him.  He lowered his paper and made eye contact with me.

"I think you should have given her the choice before declaring her dead." He replied to me.

"Jeff?" Konna's voice interrupted. Tim gave me a look and closed his paper. He grabbed his coffee and exited the room.  I circled the bed and sat down in the chair beside her.

"Konna, I have a question for you." I said carefully.

"What is it?" She asked, most of the colour had returned to her face. I took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Konna. I've spent some time in your world. But now, if your willing. I'd like, for you to come live with me in mine. Are you ready?"

Jeff the killer love story : Konna     [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now