I have to know her

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Jeff's POV

I just finished my rounds and still had some time until morning. I cleaned off my knife with my last victims shirt as I let out a light chuckle, that pleasure of the kill never gets old. I went and checked the lake earlier and that firecracker of a girl wasn't there.

I want to find out more about her. I watched her hop down from that balcony the other night. Maybe I'll sneak into her house and just, Look around. Some how try and understand her more.

I left the I was in carefully, and began my walk through town, taking ally ways and badly lit back streets, sometimes back yards as I made my way to that apartment. The feeling was satisfied at the moment, I was feeling genuinely curious and intrigued. I looked around to see if their were any lights on. The coast looked clear except for the cop cars sitting next door.

I considered the risk versus the reward. Ultimately I decided I didn't give a shit so I hopped over the balcony and slid through that crack left open on the patio door. They should really lock that at night. Serial killers and all that.

I looked through the living room, seeing nothing but baby pictures and nothing but her. What a proud mom. Parents like that make me sick cause they have high expectations. I quietly walked through the apartment to the kitchen, I opened the fridge to get a general idea what they eat in this place. It was practically empty. Besides some fruit an milk and a 2 L of pop. There were 2 bedrooms, I tried the one beside the living room first. I had to pick a deadbolt for some reason. I did it quietly and carefully. I opened the door sleepy and that's when I saw her, Asleep. I quietly walked around the room, seeing pictures of her, two older people and a dog. I picked it up to get a better look then put it back down. She had a mini fridge so I raided it.

A Bottle of Whiskey and some cans of soda, I like this girls taste. Her walls were blue and painted with names and song lyrics in different colours. I Look at one thing by the door. 'Konna and Cassie, 2011' well, I guess her names either Konna or Cassie. I turned back toward the bed and something ran out from under it, I gripped my knife, then I realized it was the dog from the picture. I let go of my handle and sighed. The dog began to growl then started barking at me, I quickly left the room and headed over to the balcony then jumped. I ran back to my shack and sat outside. I didn't want her to see me standing there when she woke up.

Sometime later I went and sat on that rock by the lake and watched the sun come up, and thought to myself that I would just sit there all day until it was time for me to make my rounds. God I need a life.


Sorry this one was so short, to me I find jeff to be a man of few words, but I'll try my best to make his POVs longer. I hope your enjoying it so far

Jeff the killer love story : Konna     [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now