Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone.

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Konnas POV

The next few days blurred together. But the day before the end of spring break I slipped back into consciousness. I was laying in bed. I went to the kitchen to make myself food. My uncle looked shocked "and she rises!!!" He said jokingly. He clearly didn't know about the fight with me and Kam. I cracked a small smile. "I made you extra." He said.

I smiled bigger then sat down to eat. After I ate I put Jazzy in his harness and took him for a walk. My feet led me on a journey, and I had completely gone somewhere else in my mind, like my body was on auto pilot.  When I came to I was standing at the door of Jeff's new cabin.

I looked down at Jazzy who looked up at me. I took a deep breath and turned the knob and Jazz and I went inside. Jeff wasn't there and the sheets hadn't been touched since the morning I left. An overwhelming feeling of sadness came over me. "Come on Jazz. Let's go." I said to my dog who began to lead the way back home. That's when I noticed smoke pooling just past the treeline on the other side of the lake. Jazz and I picked up the speed to see what it was. It was Jeff's old shack. It had been burnt to the ground.

An overwhelming dizziness came over me and I immediately fell to my knees and began to hurl. I pulled myself to my feet and Jazz and I ran almost all the way home. I couldn't breathe. He was really gone. He actually left. I got in the front door then ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door. I laid on my bed crying for a good two hours. Then I pulled out my phone.

I made a status saying how shitty and alone I felt and Lola messaged me asking me what happened. So I told her. It wasn't like I could talk to Mary and when I told Lola about jeff she understood.

L: hey, Konna. I saw your status. What's up?

K: I met this guy. His name is Jeff. hes the reason I haven't been around at all this spring break And he just, left me a few days ago. 😢

L: Jeff left?

K: Jeff left town.

L: what kind of things did you guys do together?

K: just. Sit around. Watch movies. Walk. Hang out.

L: so basically everything you do alone. But with someone else?

K: well, Pretty much.

L: well that's cool. Why did he leave.

K: I don't want to talk about it.

L: hey, well that's okay. You still have me. I'm your friend. 😊

K: lol thanks Lola. I'll see you tomorrow okay?

L: kk Kon. Night

K: night Nugget.

With that I went to bed. I felt better that I could actually talk to someone. That someone actually cared.


The next morning on the first day of school I woke up extra early. This was my last few months in that place. So I decided that I was going to make everyone drool. I put on my favorite blue dress, put in my black septum, black fishnets and a pair of black booties, I topped it off with a blue bracelet to Match with a pink pearl in the middle.

When I got on the bus I felt like it was going to be an amazing day. I walked into school feeling way better because I actually had a friend to hang out with in class. I even cracked a few smiles, maybe someone will actually give a fuck today. At least that's what I thought until I walked into class and everyone started to laughed at me.

I was confused, I was used to being bullied but not on this scale. I didn't get the joke until one of the Jocks said "are you that lonely and depressed that you made yourself a imaginary friend?" His team mates laughed and fist bumped each other.

"Sorry? What are you talking about?" I replied crossing my arms.

"Oh, Jeff left! Jeff left!" He said as he fake cried. Everyone in the class laughed again I looked at Lola who looked away from me. She told everyone? Why would she do that? On top of that Jeff can't be fake. He held me, Kept me safe. He has to be real, Right?

I dropped my books and ran out of class in tears, I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in a stall then cried. I spent a moment collecting my thoughts. When I did. I sent off one last lie. I texted Kam and told him that I loved him. He texted back a simple [love you]. something in me snapped. I didn't want to break my promise but I couldn't do this anymore. I walked out of bathroom, there were students whispering and laughing at me as I walked by them. I flipped them off as I walked. Which gained a few "oooooohs" from
Other students. 

I walked right out the front doors as the bell rang and walked the 8 blocks home. my uncle wasn't there. I looked at Jazzy when I entered my bedroom and crouched down. I gave him a treat and some head scratches. "Uncle James will take care of you. We'll see eachother again soon" I spoke with a teary smile. I picked him up and gave him a kiss before putting him down and walking into the bathroom. I slammed the door before Jazz could come in behind me. He has a good home here.

I began to fill the tub with water, I pulled out a pack of fresh razors I got in the tub in what I was wearing. I didn't care anymore. I wasn't thinking straight I just wanted all of this to be over. I turned off the faucet and leaned back in the tub, I started dragging the blade against my skin. 1, 2, 3, 6, 15, Lost count. The last thing I remember is thinking is "Everyone's Gone, gone, gone, gone." That's when I blacked out.

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