I need to let her go..

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Jeff's POV

Konna woke out of a dead sleep hugging me tightly digging her nails into my flesh. I almost didn't feel it. "Konna? W-what happened?" She shook her head and hid her face in my chest. She was shaking and I could tell she was trying not to cry. She probably had a nightmare of some sort. Suddenly something was triggered. That feeling was coming back.

I held out as long as I could. Then after konna fell back asleep I slipped out and disappeared into the night. I tossed up my hood and walked through town. It was close to 5 am. I stumbled through the wealthy neighbourhood that konna now called home. I watched a family through the window getting ready to leave for camp. Camping. The Canadian thing. How stupid.

Next door was a family asleep. I snuck into the home through the basement window and headed for the stairs. When a gun was suddenly pressed to the back of my head "Don't fucking move. I will shoot." a teenage male voice said. Shit. I slowly put my hands up. He kicked in the back off my knees making me fall to the floor. I heard him dialling 911. When he started to say his address. I turned and kicked the gun out of the kids hands. I Took the phone and smashed it.

I grabbed the young man by the side of his head and slammed it against the concrete walls off the basement. You could hear a wet crack. I pulled out my knife with a laugh and cut the young mans throat. "Go. To. Sleep!" I said as the light left him. I laughed and whispered "too long" I turned and re-started my journey up the basement stairs. Then slipped into the kitchen.

I walked through the home and slipped into a parents room. Ripping out there intestines while laughing all the while. I wrote my signature on the wall in blood. I slipped out the back window. By this time it was day light. I went back to my cabin and took a shower, then laid down in my new bed, though it was comfortable, it felt very empty, hollow, vacant.

Being alone never bugged me. Now it was beginning to. I'm getting way too attached to Konna. I need to find a way out before I can't go back. I musterd up the courage to go to sleep by myself. It was hell, hours of tossing and turning eventually exhaustion kicked in and I did it.

When I woke I made myself something to eat. I was sitting alone staring at the ceiling. When I heard a scream from across the lake. Not just any scream, Konna's scream. I clenched my knife handle and ran out the back door of the cabin and sprinted around the lake, I busted into the front door of my old shack. Who ever was there that wasn't konna was a dead man.

Jeff the killer love story : Konna     [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now