Clean kill

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Jeff's POV

I sat in Konnas room alone watching these home movies while she went to make us food. Even though I tried to ignore it, two things still nipped at my thoughts. One, why she was so good to me when I haven't done nothing for her. And two, Why I had this Need for her. I suppose I could ask her about the first one, Nah she'll get weird.

These home videos are adorable but want something more recent. I looked through them and found one titled "Konnas grade eight grad" I laughed lightly and popped it in the still working VCR. This is 2014 and she still has a VCR. Another reason why I like this girl.

After seeing her grandparents and seeing how proud they were of her and how happy she looked. I could tell I could tell that this is why she was so depressed. Having this torn from you within a blink of the eye, it does things to a person. Even if your the one doing the tearing. 

Jazz heard his name mentioned in the video and he ran to the tv and started pawing at it. I'd like to say that I felt bad in that moment. Or that I felt anything at all but I didn't. I didn't feel a thing. I just sat there.When she came back in we ate. It was the best food I've had since- I pushed the thoughts back once again.

While we were watching the home movies I caught her crying and I looked away. I could tell she got offended because just as I took my last sausage off the plate she took the plate from me and brought everything to the kitchen. I knew I had messed up somehow but I wasn't sure how and I couldn't really go after her. I was starting to feel a draft so I went and sat on her bed below the blankets.

Later on in the morning she came back, Laundry basket in hand. She handed me my clothes and I got dressed while she watched me like a hawk. Afterwards I did the same to her. The rest of the day we just laid in her bed listening to the storm outside, I admit it was nice, Very nice. Hell, being able to talk to someone without wanting to rip out there organs was nice. Eventually she fell asleep on me. Her hair was hanging in her face so I lightly tucked it behind her ear and watched her for a while.

I woke her up just after night fall, and told her that I had to go. Ever since that organ thing. I just needed to get my blade wet. Leaving her was painful, I'm getting way too attached. I kissed her forehead and went out onto the balcony climbed back down the lattus.

I walked back past the now condemned apartment. Cut across the street and headed back into my little shack in the forest, I stopped outside of it and looked at it, it was time for an upgrade to something just a little more homey. Something more then a bedroom, a living room and a little kitchen. Maybe I could just build a bathroom? Pft. Ya right I'm no handy man. I'm a cold blooded killer.

It's time to find a better cabin in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I'll just kill the people in that other lonely shack across the lake. It has solar power, a bathroom, a kitchen, a Living room, Probably more then one bedroom. Yes that's what I will do, my plan is set.

I took my knife and headed out the door. Walked around the lake and snuck into the cabin home. This time I decided to do something a little different. As each one of the family members came to, I murdered them. I took my time with the teenage boy. It's been too long since I've killed an entire family like that. I tried to keep this kill clean. Save me the trouble of cleaning the home after the fact. I called the cops from the house number so they would come take the bodies. The house would be deemed unliveable. Then that's when I'll take control. I quickly disappeared from the scene, and went into town to find something else to satisfy my urge. My days are getting very exiting.

Jeff the killer love story : Konna     [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now