Wrong intentions

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Jeff's POV

Konna didn't realize it but I did. She was bleeding from the side of her neck. I quickly  took her back to my new shack and laid her in my bed and I sat there with her until she passed out. When she did I quickly ran to the bathroom and got the first aid kit then fixed her up. "She's gonna be fine" I caught myself saying to reassure myself. I laid beside her and pulled her close and protectively into my arms. I had to keep her safe at all cost. That's why I have to leave.

She's messing with my head. I'm feeling again. Everything hurts and I don't mind it, But for her I have to go. Confused by my inner conflict. I got up carefully and went to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. I sat at the table and ate and continued to think.

Her beautiful blue eyes. Were almost irresistible. That smile, Could be a little wider. However it was still amazing. That septum ring almost completed her. She looked like one of those princesses from that one Disney movie my parents made me watch with Liu when I was little. Something about a mermaid? I believe.

She's perfect and deserves way better then a psychotic asshole that can't control his impulses to kill. I glanced back through the doorway to see her still passed out. I walked back into my room and envisioned her not just sleeping but dead. Part of me cringed and hated all thoughts of this. But the other part, That feeling. Was telling me to do it it was practically screaming at me to make that cut on her throat even longer, even deeper. My fingers twitched as I withdrew my knife, and walked toward her. Suddenly her eyes fluttered open and that beautiful blue smiled at me. I immediately dropped my knife. I think it stuck into the floor but I didn't even look at it.

"Hey Jeff~" she said in that sleepy adorable voice.
"Hey..."I whispered back still in my shock.
She sat up and looked at me.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I nodded. But I had no intention of telling her that I almost just murdered her. 

"Masky sliced your neck and you lost a lot of blood. Don't touch the bandage I put around your neck. It will make it worse" she slightly nodded. Fixed her posture and checked her phone. Who cared what time it was? Or what else was going on? You almost died...

Care about yourself more. Please..

Suddenly she stood "I need to get home." I nodded in understanding. Perhaps her and her uncle were going to do something she was looking forward to because she smiled one of the biggest smiles I've seen on her when she told me. She walked over to me, and wrapped her arms around me hugging me. I buried my face in her hair, cherrys and flowers washed over me as I hugged back. She whispered something into my chest. That I will never forget. "Thank you Jeff. For being the only person who actually cares." Those words. Made me want to break down. I hugged tighter and picked her up spinning her around.  

"I'll come by later." I whispered in her ear before kissing her deeply.  She ran her fingers through my hair and kissed back. I didn't want that to end but I knew I had to let go. When she pulled away she nodded with a smile. She put her jacket back on and headed for the door. I watched her as she left. Once she was out of site I closed the door and slid down the back of it I brought my knees up to my chest and ran my fingers through my hair as I rested my elbows on my knees.

Jeff the killer love story : Konna     [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now