Birthday gone wrong

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Konnas POV

I woke up to Jazz barking. I looked around the room and saw nothing, but my bedroom door was open? I quietly grabbed my phone and climbed out of bed then grabbed a baseball bat and walked out of my sanctuary into the hell that I live in and checked every room that wasn't my mothers and I saw no one. I walked over to the balcony and closed then locked the screen, and sliding doors. I checked the time. Six am. 'Fantastic, Time to start decorating'. I thought to myself sarcastically.

I walked back into my room reach into the decoration bag that I kept in my closet and started decorating, suddenly a tiny Bottle came rolling out. I picked it up, It was my bottle of pills for my ADHD I meant to flush a long time ago. I don't take medication anymore, I don't like the way it alters my personality. I took a mental note to discard of them later and put them in my pocket then continued to decorate. at around 8:00 am I finished and went back to bed for a few more hours of sleep.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Was what I was woken up to. I freaked out and screamed at first cause I'm not used to anyone else being in my room. It was Kam Lola and Gorgea. I took a few deep breaths and sat up. I calmed down and looked around at my clock.

"Did you decorate this all yourself?" Kam asked me. I nodded again, I then spoke

"can you three just leave the room a minute? I need to get dressed and stuff." I asked. They all agreed and left the room, I changed into a crop top so I could show off my belly button ring. If my mom didn't know I have it. She does now. I left everything else I was wearing on and walked out, everyone was Sitting on the couch, Kam was holding Jazz. I gave him a welcoming kiss.

"happy birthday baby" He spoke with his award winning smile as his curly black hair hid the smile in his green eyes. I smiled and said thank you.

"your mom went to get your cake" Gorgea said. I rolled my eyes.

"Great now I'm going to be afraid that it's poisoned" they all laughed. We had these inside jokes about my mother trying to kill my friends because she didn't approve of my choice in company. She'd like me to hang out with scholars and cheerleaders, not misfits in band tees. She doesn't understand that I don't fit it belong with those people. We were all hanging out, listening to some rock when my mother came home. Things got a little awkward after that.

Later on at the party things got a little, Out of hand. Kam and Tanner got into a fight, Lola and Connie got upset with each other, Gorgea left. My mom was screaming at me in front of everyone for 'having shitty friends'. ME! Why was she yelling at me for the way my friends are acting?  Everyone got upset with her after her blatant insult and she sent everyone home then her and I argued some more. She had worked me up into tears. I made sure Jazz was in my room with enough food and water. Then I locked him in, Turned around and walked out the front door. I could hear her screaming after me, telling me to get the hell back in the house but I refused. I continued walking with tears in eyes.

She ran out the front door of the building after me. I took off into the ally's and ducked into someone's back yard. I made sure she didn't see where I went. When I was sure I'd lost her I doubled back and ran into the forest with tears streaming down my face. Once I was sure I was alone I knew I could be vulnerable. So I leaned against a tree and began to replay everything that had happened. Why did my friends have to get into a fight in front of my mom? Why was my mother getting mad at me for the way that they acted? It's like none of them actually give a shit about me, just what they want. None of this was worth it anymore. I miss my grandparents, things wouldn't have been that bad if they were still around. I wish I was with them again.

That's when the irrational idea came into my mind, I could be with them again. I remember what I had in my pocket. I reached in and found that bottle of pills. I looked at them a moment then said "fuck it"

I twisted off the cap of the bottle and took them all, I held onto the bottle and walked the rest of the way to the lake, if I was going to be reunited with them, I wanted to be in my favorite spot when I went. When I walked through the tree line, I saw a boy? No, a man? Sitting on my rock. My vision began to blur, I thought I was hallucinating because he had burnt scars around his eyes, his eyelids were there, but almost gone. He had a smile carved into his face that had scared over as well. I walked over to him eyes half open. "h-hello?..." He turned to look at me. Even though his face was already made for him I could tell he was surprised by the way he raised his eyebrows.

He gave me a once over then sat up and reached for his pocket, my eyes followed to see what it was, but didn't grab what he was going to. He saw my hand.

"W-what do you have there?" He asked me in a raspy voice. I looked down and actually had to think about the answer.

"Empty bottle." Was the only response my brain could muster.

"Empty bottle of what?" He asked. I lazily moved my vision from the bottle in my hand to his face as I dropped it.
"pills." I replied in a slur. He walked over to me slowly.

"did you down that whole bottle?" He asked.

"What....was left." I replied. he was sliding in and out of my vision.

"What's your name?" I barely heard him ask.

"konna" I replied quickly, I knew the answer to that one. He nodded.

"I'm, J-Jeff." He said as I felt my body begin to fall over. I saw him reach for me and everything else was a blur.

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