"God Damn baby, who threw bleach in your cereal?" He asks and I nearly laughed had it not been for the fight we got into while we recording in the booth.

"Sorry, I'm just tired is all," I quickly apologize before sipping my honey tea. He gently reaches over and rubs my shoulder.

"I was going to ask you if something was up. I mean I'm all for your passive aggressive sarcastic ass but today you seem a little off," He says turning into the sweet man I knew and enjoyed who was hiding under the thick layer of his rapper persona. 

Being gay and in this hyper-masculine game was tough, not gonna lie. I got an easy pass in when I became a viral sensation on Youtube with my group. He had to work his ass off to get to where he is today. I try to pull my best friend with multiple benefits up with me but sometimes our strings get a little too complicated for my liking. 

"Yeah, I've been doing a lot of work for the group as we prepare to release the first album and I guess I'm starting to burn out," I confess and he takes the controls away from me to dig into the chorus. 

"Then what are you doing here? Go home, get some rest," He suggests and I laugh in his face.

"Fuck, I wish it was that easy," I yawn before my phone goes off and I look down to shut off the alarm letting me know it's time for dance practice. 

"Well, duty calls. You can finish this up right?" I ask MaXX and he gives me a worried look. I grab his chin in the palm of my hand and shake his head a little.

"Hey, snap out of it. I'll be fine," I remind him and he nods.

"Yeah I got it, go do what you have to do," He waves me off and I flip him off on my way out which he does the same right back.

Once out of the studio, I'm greeted by my knight in a black suit awaiting my arrival. 

"Do you think a personal assistant could attend dance practice in my place?" I ask, only to get Wesley's signature eye roll.

"No, because your PA could probably dance better than you and before you know it, you'll be replaced," He says sarcastically and I let out a dramatic gasp.

"How dare you suggest such foolishness?! No one could replace my shitty dancing and awesome personality!" I chuckle as I get on the bike. I could hear him add something else to the conversation but couldn't catch it over the roar of the motorcycle as I started off.


One long rehearsal and a hot steaming shower later I was finally back home and in my natural habitat, roaming my bedroom like a nesting animal just wanting to be comfortable. I finally settled in wearing nothing but boxer briefs as I laid back in bed with my hands on my stomach. I had been waiting all day to feel the hardened skin on my abdominal wall. The muscles were now starting to stretch as my little one started to grow. 

A knock on the door startles me and I quickly toss on my cozy bathrobe.

"Who is it?" I call out but I could smell who it was before he even opened the door.

"It's your personal Uber Eats Driver now open the damn door," Thomas calls back sarcastically and I hit a button on my nightstand to unlock the door for my best friend who walks in with McDonald's chicken nuggets and french fries which I had such an intense craving for during practice. 

"I love how we just eat all the calories we lose at practice, it's like eating our feelings you know?" Thomas suggests as he takes a large bite out his big mac while looking at his phone. 

I was so occupied with gulping down twenty chicken nuggets that I made his question a rhetorical one by refusing to answer. And his question was a stupid one considering the fact that he was the lead choreographer and the best dancer out of all the band members. 

"So the little guy is as big as a strawberry," Thomas announces as he looks at an app he had on his phone. Ever since he caught the stupid pregnancy test in my trash one day he was the only person who knew my deepest darkest secret. 

And I wanted it to stay that way.

"Really? Hear that nugget? You went from a cherry to a strawberry," I tell my little one, gently rubbing my stomach.

We did this about once a week when Thomas got the pregnancy updates on his phone. I rested my chin on his shoulder as I looked down at the animated screen with a sample baby at 10 weeks.

"They're definitely starting to look more human, I was scared I was going to give birth to an actual chicken nugget for a minute," I joke and he steals one of my nuggets.

"Apparently they also have fingernails and hair, their vital organs are starting to function, and they're starting to kick. You won't be able to feel it yet though," He says and I pull away from him to go back to my salty french fries.

"When is your ultrasound?" He asks while I stuff my mouth full of fries.

"Tomorrow," I mutter as I swallow the large bite.

"Did you want me to go with you?" Thomas volunteers. I honestly don't think I could have made it this far into this pregnancy had it not been for his support. 

"Sure, it's not that exciting though," I warn but Thomas shrugs it off.

"It doesn't have to be as long as you're there," He says and he gets off my bed to let me sleep in the dark abyss that is my life.

Do you think one of these guys is Matty's baby daddy? 


Update 3 years later...

After a Patreon exclusive vote by fans, this book has been slotted for editing and reconstruction for possible publishing begining in February of 2021

The Secret Between Us [BxB]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें