I threw my head back into the seat, closing my eyes and let out a deep sigh as I felt unwanted emotions build up in my chest and resonate throughout my body. I didn't know how to articulate the things I was feeling, or if I even could.

"It's always been a possibility. Since meeting them two idiots, I've been pulled into this crazy life. I've started to look past all the logical aspects of why this is completely insane. I should've stayed out of it. I shouldn't of seeked him out. I know that, but I also know that if I stop and start questioning myself and my sanity, I'm going to fall apart. None of this makes sense, it feels like the second I start asking myself whether or not I'm crazy, the more likely I veer towards an answer I don't like. I have to believe that it's real, because the moment it isn't, everything falls apart. It might sound odd, but it feels like this entire thing is riding on my ability to believe in it."

Sadie gave me a side glance, her eyes shining with an understanding I didn't expect to see. Her eyes were dark with anticipation, as she gave me a quick nod.

"Trust me. I understand completely."

She went silent for a brief moment.

"You know, I think this is the stupidest, most bizarre thing we've ever done."

I grinned. "This is definitely the stupidest and most bizarre thing we've ever done, but it's also the most exciting."


We didn't really have any other options of where to go. Sadie was only down the street so it didn't seem like the smartest move direct them five doors down. Natalia and Colby were out of the question so that left us with Trev and Oscar.

Thankfully I had been there so many times I could memorize the route now. We passed where Trev had stopped almost two months ago for the checkpoint. My eyes followed the little road heading down to the party house silently. I felt an unwelcome tension settle into my bones.

Something was going to happen.

I could feel it.


"Finley, is everything okay?" Trev asked, opening the front door and peeking out, opening it fuller when he saw it was me. His eyes flittered to Sadie standing behind me, hardening considerably.


"Yeah I know I probably shouldn't of told anybody but I kind of actually, well you see, there's a chance that-"

"That bitch ass organization of idiots attacked both of us. So you can deal with an extra person knowing about your secret. It's not like it's the most secretive thing if they send people in broad daylight to kick down the door. They do realize we've neighbors right? I hope nobody called the police."

Trev raised an eyebrow before what she had said set in.


His stance changed, his eyes hardening until all I saw was the steely black empty look behind them. It took me a second to realize that he was angry. He took a deep breath, composing himself before he stepped out of the doorway, allowing us to enter.

I stepped into the house, out of the dying light the of the day. Dusk was beginning to set in as the orange sky set over the horizon and a brisk chill ran through the air.

"Is oscar here?" I asked, seeing Dollie leaned over the couch, an open box of cereal in her hands as she gave me a wave.

"I'm still surprised you hang around these Nitwigs." Her eyes widened in surprise as Sadie followed me in.

I shrugged earnestly. "Dumb and dumber I suppose."

She let out a light laugh. "I'll leave you guys, I've some things to do." She said, as she bounded up the stairs and out of sight.


Night set in and Trev brought us through all that happened one more time.

"They didn't follow you?"

I shook my head, hoping I was right. I didn't notice anyone following us but I was kind of shook up from what had just happened.

He went silent for a second.

"I don't think they wanted to kill you. It's because it's almost the 22nd. They probably want to detain us until the time loop passes."

Again, his expression turned darker, his eyes flashing with concern.

"What is it?" I asked as his eyes flicked towards the clock.

"Where the bloody hell is Oscar?"


Yes this is very short chapter ! But ya girl is in the middle of her leaving cert. (which is your senior year in Ireland) and I'm just buried in work so I don't have any time to write 😭

Sorry my schedule is all over the place. Thanks for reading regardles! ♥️

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