Episode 8: Unanswerable

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Tumho Ho pass
Keh bhi do na Dil ke raaz
Abh tum hi toh
Zindagi mein

Ana's alarm on her phone rang with  this tone at 5.00 am. Her hotel room was still dark and she rubbed her eyes. She opened the curtains and saw the moon was shining bright and kissing the calm Sea, though the time was morning.

She stood near the window, glaring at the shining moon

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

She stood near the window, glaring at the shining moon...  Her life was metamorphic with the confused moon that shined brightly in a day, at times. The Sun was waiting for the moon to disappear so that it can shine bright but the moon stood there unaware that it was morning and it must bade good bye.  Ana was like the moon that took different phases. A beautiful creation,  yet living with scars inside.

She was married to Rohit for six years and out of those, 5 years she stayed away from him. It was not a run away she justified to her friend Vandy.

"It was Self love erasing the fear of loneliness and expanding the wings of freedom, a high flight like an Eagle to kiss the sky limits that is beyond; yet a
strong desire to touch the sky. Sky is not the limit."

Her phone buzzed and it read Suhani calling.  Ana cleared her throat, while Suhani said :

Hi,  am I talking to Ananya Sharma!

Ana smiled and corrected:

" You are talking to Ananya Rohit  Mehra. "

"Mam, I wanted to fix a meeting with you  and I will be grateful if you design my studio apartment, " Suhani requested.

"Hey Suhani,  I am in India and I think you are in New Delhi, I can meet you day after tomorrow

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Hey Suhani,  I am in India and I think you are in New Delhi, I can meet you day after tomorrow... Will that be fine madam," Ana said cooly...

Thanks Ana, saying so Nikki disconnected the line. She was deliberately calling in the morning to check whether Ana had reached India. She deliberately took her friend Suhani's name just to keep Ana away from any doubts.

Now she had confirmed  that Ana is in India,  she had planned to request Suhani,  her best friend and twin like soul to hire Ana as her designer. 

Nikki headed to Rohit's room and saw that he was sleeping peacefully. She kissed his forehead and left the room. She called up her mom to check where was she? She was in the farmhouse and the house was flooded.  Dadi had kept the tap open with the news of her one and only one son Rohit's hospitalization. Nikki took her Scotty and drove towards the farmhouse. She was happy that Ana was coming... Her second mother will be that piece of Gold that mends a broken cup as per Chinese mythology.

She was making her mind to settle abroad and give space to Ana and Rohit.  Now that Bani is settled, she too can complete her studies and may be get married, soon.  With the growing age, Nikki was trying to be mature. Ana did not get much recognition in their family. But what was wrong? She was married to her father and yet called a slut or mistress by the society.  This was the biggest unanswerable question,  Why?

Nikki reached the farmhouse.

The home was messy. The furnishing, carpet,  wall painting every thing was damaged and the house really needed an interior designer to redesign the space.  For a moment, even Poonam thought if Ana would have been here, she would have changed the entire decor with her magic wand. 

But if Ana would be here then Poonam wouldn't be there!  That is what the reality was?  Even Rohit would have been a father of little child of he and Ana by now.

His life would have been different. He would be busy holidaying and staying happy with Ana. But why was she thinking so much? For a moment, she thought if Rohit forgets Ana like a nightmare and she gets a chance to re- enter in his life.  All will be fine as before. She was ready to forgive him and trust him again. Yet she was sceptical will she be able too?

She quickly erased that thought and her mind told her repeatedly that she was getting selfish. She was no-one to Rohit. She decided that she will stay away from him... Now it was just matter of couple of days... Rohit was planning to join office and he had Nikki and their home care taker to look after Rohit. May be Maa too can join him and take care of him.

Poonam slipped while cleaning and fell down with a bang. She wailed in pain and remembered how Rohit put iodex for her.  She felt it was love but for him it was compassion.

Nikki helped her mom and said that she was aging.

"Yes I am aging and that is why... "
She stopped those words piercing her heart ♥ in million pieces like a mirror.
Mom, are you alright, Nikki hugged Poonam...

Ha beta,  Poonam said with a fake smile...

My heart is trapped in your love
I am like that fluttering bird
Freed from the cage
The sky is open and embracing
But don't know where to go?
My wings are trembling
I don't know if I will collide with a tree
I fall down dead
No I will rise and fly
There is no victory
Nevertheless I try
Once I said a good bye
Don't know why?
I will fly
And touch the sky...

This was the condition of two beautiful woman who was dear to Rohit. Even he was torn between their love.  One loved him and stood like a shade and other became his shadow.

Who is his real partner?A question that laid unanswerable in his life. There were other questions too both Poonam and Ana were searching answers for?

The three hearts 💕 were searching for a single answer? where do I belong and who is mine? They had everything be it materialistic love,  a flourishing career for Rohit and Ana. Freedom and little happiness for Poonam to travel with her friends. The label of Divorcee after more than 20 years of wedlock that seemed to be a happy marriage was wrenching her soul and still she was coping to live with it. His memories gave her happiness and same was with Ana.  But Rohit lived with a guilt of ditching Poonam and the Karma effect that Ana dumped him for her happiness.

A ray of hope shined for all three... Was it a false hope like a Mirage on a Desert land?

Stay tuned for next chapter ...

PC: Screenshots by ME

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