🌹 Chapter Twenty Five 🌹

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The coldish breeze hit my face as I rushed outside after Jayden. I looked around to see if I could spot him but I didn't. I remember that I pasted a bar on my way here and that he probably went there to continue drinking.

I started down the street and eventually saw Jayden walking.

I yelled his name as I ran to catch up with him, "Jayden! Wait! Please wait!".

He quickly glanced back at me but continued to walk, "No".

"Jayden please! Just listen to me".

"Go home rose".

"No! Your acting childish right now!Turn around and talk to me like a man!", I angrily told him as I grabbed his arm.

"Your pushing me Rose! Your pushing me. . . and I'm about to break!", he snatched his arm away from me, "Go home! Theres nothing we need to talk about! I don't wanna see you. . . at all, ever!".

"What about JJ? Your just gonna ignore the fact that he exists now? Now that you know about him, how could you not wanna be in his life?".

He suddenly held me by my arms and pushed me up against a hard metal garage door, "Fuck you! Your the one who kept him a secret from me! You left here in New York, by myself, confused and broken! I blamed myself for pushing you away this whole time! These last three years have been fucking hell! And you did this! You took him from me! You lied to me!!", he punched the garage door repeatedly right next to my face.

I cried loudly, unable to keep it in anymore. I'd heard all of this from everyone, but hearing and seeing how much my actions affected him, broke me to my very fucking core.

I wasn't crying for myself. I hadn't cried for myself in a long time. I was crying for Jayden. His pain was so sharp and fierce that it hurt to be in his very presence right now.

When Jayden realized what he was doing and how he was acting he stepped away from me. Even though I was afraid he'd hit me right now, I knew what he needed, what he was craving. . . because I needed the same thing.

I hugged him, "Hug me Jay. Hug me".

"No", he angrily said.

"Hug me. . . please", I sobbed.

He clearly didn't want to hug me at first but the longer I held onto him the more he melted and eventually hugged me back. He gave in and broke down. He was so angry, so sad, stressed, and broken. . .

"I'm tired Rose. . .", he breathed as his tears wet the skin of my neck, "I'm so fucking tired".

"I know", I sobbed, "I'm so sorry. I wanna fix everything. I'm so sorry. I let my fear get in the way and I ran. . . I'm done running. I'm gonna be here for you whether you want to be with me or not".

We didn't speak for a long while. We sat down on the sidewalk and I let Jayden rest his head on my lap so he could sober up a little. The street was dim and quiet. Right now I definitely appreciated the lack of life that New York city was so full of.


Jay asked me to drive him to his hotel. When we got there I realized that he didn't already have a room, he was getting one for us. . .

The room was nice, nothing out of the ordinary though. I sat on the bed while Jayden sat in an accent chair. He turned it towards me and sat slouched with his hand scratching his beard. His hair was down and his eyes were more tired than I'd ever seen them.

He didn't say anything for a long while. He just stared at me. It wasn't creepy and he didn't make me feel weird. I just felt anxious and nervous because I wanted him to say something.

"Why do I love you so much?", he suddenly asked. That caught me off guard, "Putting my pride aside, I can admit that again. Even after everything. . . I love you. You could've cheated on me, stabbed me in my back, stole from me. . . and I still would love you the same. . .", he sat up in his seat, "But I hate you at the same time".

"You hate me?", I felt my stomach turn at his words. It took everything in me not to cry.

"I hate you just as much as I love you", he nodded, "It's not all your fault though. . . I can take some responsibility for my life. No one told me to get with a ex stripper and drug addict. No one told me to turn to drinking for help. I did all of that. . . but when you randomly left me, without an explanation, that ignited so much doubt and insecurity that I already had within myself. I started to doubt football, and school to the point where I just dropped out and said fuck it. I'll take responsibility for that to".

"I keep telling myself that I did this for you. So that you could be successful without anyone holding you back", my voice cracked.

"Don't give me that shit Rose", he waved me off.

"Part of me did", I tried to sound more convincing.

"You need to stop lying to me. . .".

"Jayden, I e-mailed your coaches to confirm that you'd join the team. I accepted their terms for you because you would've never done it if I told you that I was. . .", I trailed off.

"That you were what?", he glared at me daring me to say it.

"That I was pregnant. Playing collage football was all you ever talked about growing up. I couldn't let you throw that away like it meant nothing to you because you know damn well that it meant absloutly everything to you!".

"You meant everything to me!", he yelled as he stood up and hit the table next to him, "We were getting married, you were pregnant, with my child!! That was something I'd never thought I'd have and you just took it from me!!", he bent down in front of me and caressed my head, "You were my family. You and JJ were my dream not some fucking sport I did just to escape my fucked up family. Why didn't you understand that?".

"Because I was scared for myself too. I didn't know if I was ready to have a baby. I saw what my mom went through and I couldn't go through that. I was so scared. . . I'm sorry I ran out on you, I'm so sorry! I thought this was the best choice for of us! I'm so sorry. . .", I held his hands as I sobbed in the ugliest way.

His eyes watered as they stared at me, "You should've just told me. You should've told me Rose".

"I know. I'm telling you now", I stared at him with hopeful eyes.

He put his forehead against mine, "It's too late now".

"No", I sobbed, "Don't say that".

"It's too much Rose. . .", he hesitantly stood up. "I uh.. gotta go".

I asked him not to leave. I even cried after him. I wanted him to come back home with me. I wanted him to be apart of our lives the way he should've been in the first place.

But when walk out the door this time, he took all of my hope with him.


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