Chapter Two

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Love Like Boomerang
Book Two
Chapter Two
Rose POV
!Edited And Lightly Rewritten!

We are the sum of experiences that we encounter as we go through life. Day to day struggles and triumphs are experienced by all of the world's creatures. As human beings, when we encounter a challenge, we have freedom to choose how to react. Every decision that we make leads us down a different road. We will never come to exactly the same crossroads. Every decision that we make has significance. The tiniest choice that we make reverberates throughout the entire universe.


I can't believe it. How the hell did this happen? I thought to myself.

"Seriously? Oh my god! I'm so happy for you guys!" Is what I really said.

I hugged my brother and his girlfriend after they just told me the big news. They're getting married.

They're getting married... I repeated to myself. Jason, My whore of a big brother, is settling down before me. I'm pathetic, I came to the conclusion.

"Seriously? You know your approval means more to me than anything," the beautiful bride to be told me.

"Of course. You know I love you to death. You're my best friend. As long as this big dummy treats you like a queen, that's all that matters."

Sky smiled and hugged me more tightly than usual, "I love you!"

"I love you more," I hugged her back.

"I'm gonna go make some phone calls," she excitedly said.

I watched her run off like a happy child in the direction of the backyard. My once enthusiastic smile faded once she was out of my sight. Forgetting I wasn't alone, I sighed and scratched my head.

Wow. I thought to myself.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked, gaining my awareness.

"What do you mean?" I played dumb.

"Cut the shit Roe," he sternly told me. Hearing the seriousness in his voice made it clear that he knew something was up.

Honestly, I know that I shouldn't feel any kind of way, but I do and I can't help it and I feel really shitty about it.

"You can play dumb with everyone else but definitely not with me. I know you."

I sighed and shrugged because I didn't know what else to do or to say. Noticing my hesitation, he slung his heavy ass arm over my shoulders as if he was taking me under his wing.

"Come on," he took me to the front porch and we sat on the swinging bench we both brought our parents two years ago. "Talk to me baby sis. What's up with you?"

I didn't know how to answer that question. I'd been asking myself that none stop for years now and I have yet to find an answer. Sometimes I really wonder if there really is something wrong with me. And sometimes I just figure that I'm only human and the mental things I go through are normal... I want, so badly, to believe that my mental health is simply... Normal. But constantly telling myself that doesn't make It any more true or believable. Depression is suffocating and acting is exhausting.

As I sat and thought about the familiar question, I started to drift off and notice more of my surroundings. There were no clouds in the sky and it was very dull out, much like my mood. Usually there were tons of birds in the sky singing their songs and communicating with each other in musical rhythms. Usually there were big white fluffy clouds in the sky and the sun would peek through them sporadically. Today, there was nothing. None of that. Just a dull, empty sky. I didn't like it. Not at all. Actually, I hated it.

A large hand waved in front of my face and snapped me out of my daydreaming. "Hello?"

"Yeah," I answered, blinking a few times to refocus.

"What's going on? Are you mad about something?" He asked, clearly impatient.


"You don't want me and Sky together?"

Surprised that he would ask me such a question, I blinked hard and shook my head. "What? How could you ask me that?"

"Then what is it Roe? Out of everyone I expected you to be the happiest for us."

"I am happy for you!"

"Then what's the problem? Cause from here it doesn't look like it."

"It has nothing to do with you and Sky... Of course I'm happy for you guys. Why would I not be?"

He shrugged, "You tell me. If the problem isn't me and Sky then what is it?"

I sighed, "The problem is, Josh," I lied.

"What about Josh? What'd he do?" Jason asked, getting all big brother protective.

"He tried to kiss me again."

I hate lying to Jason but I really didn't feel like having the whole, I'm suffering with depression, talk. It's humiliating... Besides, it would probably seem like I was more jealous than anything, which I guess I am a little. My whore of a brother is settled down before me. Never in a million years did I ever think that would happen. I never even once considered it. Not only was that embarrassing to talk about, but I didn't want to hurt Jason's feelings either. He can be sensitive sometimes. I really am excited for them though. My own sadness is clouding my happiness for them and I know that isn't fair. Plus, this whole Josh thing really is bothering me too.

"Is that a bad thing? Aren't you guys like close?" He asked with confusion.

"Yeah, exactly. We're only close friends. That's all."

"Would it hurt to kiss the guy every once in a while? You already know how he feels about you and you obviously have feelings for him too. Is it such a bad thing to be attracted to someone?"

"I don't know. I'm just not ready for all that yet."

"I'm gonna be very honest with you right now," he sat up straight. "Who are you saving yourself for? You ditched Jayden so you may as well give Josh a chance," he flinched back, his arms quickly flying up to guard his face as he yelled, "Don't hit me!"

I sighed and sat back, really letting what he said sink in. I guess he's right. Who am I saving myself for?

Even though this wasn't my initial problem, what Jason just said really did trigger something in me. Am I subconsciously saving myself for a man who I ran away from?

As if he'd come back knocking on my door like he's my saving grace or something...

I must be delusional...

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