Chapter Three

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Love Like Boomerang
Book Two
Chapter Three
Jayden's POV
!Edited And Lightly Rewritten!

In a world filled with changes each and every day... I feel I'm being judged, for what I do and say...
I remember back to football and play days at the park... When I didn't worry about other people's remarks. Now looking in the mirror, and I see to my surprise... A completely different person stringing me in my eyes... The carefree little boy I saw at 4 and 5... Is now a man...
Struggling to survive...

"Nice black eye," my friend Eddy said in a way of greeting me. "How'd you get this one?"

I shrugged, "You know, some dick head."

"So you mean you instigated a bar fight again?" He guessed, giving some normality to my actions.

I rolled my eyes, "I guess, if that's what you wanna call it."

I sat on the hood of some shitty car as Eddy continued to adjust the transmission of a Pontiac Sunbird. Eddy and his brother Mike took over their father's shop two years ago after their father passed. We met at a gym and became friends by working out and getting drunk together. During all that time we spent together, I learned a lot about these two brothers. I learned that their father was an amazing man and built this shop from the ground up. I learned that they were going broke and knew that they'd have to sell it soon.

Living out here in New York, I didn't really think I'd find such good friends. When I went to Ohio I didn't meet a lot of interesting people, basically none. So when I transferred schools and moved back to New York and started working out more at the gym, me and these guys instantly hit it off. They're the only ones I bothered to keep around in the last two years so I wanted to help them out. Now I own half of the shop making all three of us business partners in this now successful shop.

I've never been great with cars, so I leave that aspect of the job to Eddy and his brother. Now running a business? That's something I'm good at. I take care of all the financial matters.

"For real though, you need to chill. All these fights you been getting into... It's gonna catch up to you soon or later."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means," he paused as he began to wipe his hands with the filthy towel. "Stop acting like a dumbass," he bluntly told me. "This is New York. It's not smart to have a lot of beef with people around here."

"Man come on with that..." I shook my head, not wanting to hear what he has to say.

"You gon' fuck wit the wrong person one day, i'm tellin' you."

I sighed heavily, Here we go again. I thought to myself.

"Yeah, here we go again," Eddy mimicked my thoughts.

"Come on bro, I'm not trying to hear that right now."

"I know you're not tryna hear it... but I'm your boy, so ima always tell it like it is. I don't care if you don't like it," he paused, still wiping his hands. "I got enough dead homies. I don't need no more."

Eddy knew he was right. I knew he was right... but the stubborn asshole in me still didn't want to hear this shit.

"Anyway, what's up with you? I know you ain't come here to be lectured," he asked as he sat down on a chair.

"I'm chilling. You know me, just trying to get away from, Em, for a bit."

He laughed, "I don't know why you're still with that girl. She's crazy as hell."

I shook my head, "I don't know why either."

"You know how to pick em."

"Bro, you're the one who hooked us up."

"In my defense, y'all are the only two white people I know!" He laughed causing me to do the same. "So I introduced y'all! I didn't tell y'all to date and drive each other crazy."

What could I say to that? He's got a point.

I waved him off while laughing, "Whatever."

"Ain't my fault she crazy."

Eddy reminded me so much of Jason. Their personalities and sense of humor were very similar. I think that's why he and I became good friends. I seen in him somebody that I used to know. Somebody that I'll probably never see again, and maybe I found comfort in that.


Any man would love to come home to his girlfriend or wife cooking dinner. I know I would. I'm not that lucky though... No, Instead of that, I come home to my girlfriend (who doesn't live here by the way) doing coke lines in my living room with her stripper friends and some strange men who I'd never seen before.

Her hoes friends didn't piss me off. I'm used to them by now. Even the strange men didn't piss me off. What did piss me off though was the coke and the fact that they were doing lines of it off each other and laughing like they were playing a friendly fucking game. It took me a while to register what was really going on here. I couldn't believe what was happening right in front of me.

I could tell that no one was aware of my presence because when I started yelling, everyone jumped up and stopped what they were doing, just like a child who got caught doing something they weren't supposed be to be doing.

I felt sick to my stomach and instantly took my anger out on the men by punching and pushing them out of my fucking house. Next was Emilys hoe ass friends. One of them actually had the balls to smack me in the face. That shit sent me right over the edge. I no longer cared that I was dealing with females anymore. All I saw was a bunch of coke heads, and that's exactly how I treated them.

I began shoving all three women out of my house forcefully, not caring if I hurt them in the process.

Once they were gone, I turned to Emily who was crying and refusing to leave. I was getting sick of yelling at her and I was really sick of her hitting me. Before I knew I had shoved her to the floor. I used way more forced than I should've with a girl and trust me, I felt like shit for it afterwards but all I really felt in the moment was raw anger. I wanted her out of my fucking house. That was the only thing on my mind.

I picked her up and carried her out. When I put her down, she stumbled and fell on her ass. Probably too high to walk. I slammed the door and instantly went to my bedroom to pack all her shit up. I went around the house shoving everything of hers in a black garbage bag. I could still hear her screaming, crying and banging on the door to get it. Guess she's too high to realize that the door is still unlocked.

I opened the door and threw the bag at her which she didn't catch. Some of her stuff fell out, but I didn't care.

"Wait!" She cried as she stopped me from closing the door.

I didn't say anything. For some reason I waited for her to speak.

"You can't do this to me," she cried, "What kind of boyfriend are you?" When I didn't answer her she continued. "Fuck you! You piece of shit! I hate you anyway!"

I rolled my eyes and shut the door. This time I locked it.

"You think you're so much better than everyone else! You're a fucking drunk!" I heard her yelling from outside. "You're a pathetic piece of shit that no one loves!" I sat down against my door and listened to her. "You're nothing! Everyone always leaves you and turns their backs on you cause your not worth the trouble! Your a piece of shit!" She continued, "Your no better than me you drunk fuck! Fucking kill yourself already! The world would be better without you. No one would miss you!"

Her words rang in my head all night. The funny part about is, she's probably right.

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