Chapter 1

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Jimin's POV

I wake up to yelling and screaming.

My eyes flutter open and I recognize those voices.

It's no other than my brother and dad fighting.

I look at the time and it's 5am.

I guess I'll get ready for school even though it's only 5 and school starts at 7.

I sit up and let my eyes get used to my bedroom light.

I slowly start to stand up but a shock of pain runs over my whole body and I sit back down.

I breath for a little then I try again.

I stand up and limp to my dresser and pull out a long sleeve shirt and black skinny jeans.

I slowly and painfully got changed and went to the bathroom.

I stared at my reflexion all I saw was a fat ugly teenage boy staring back at me with a swollen back eyes and a bruised cheek and lip. 

I sigh as I reach for the make-up hidden in the drawer and I do my make-up skillfully.

I stared at my reflection and now all I see is a fat ugly worthless teenage boy that has broken eyes and hidden secrets staring back at me.

I check the time and it's now 5:52am.

I pull out my notebook and I start to draw on my desk.

I've been working on this drawing for 3 months.

I draw or dance to escape my fears and problems sometimes.

I start to think of what the popular kids at school will do to me today? 

Then I start to wonder what my dad or brother is going to shame me for today?

Just then my dad walked in my room and I jumped out of my skin.

I stared back at him with fear filling my eyes and expression.

"Oh Good you're ugly ass is up." He says to me in his anger filled voice.

"Y-yeah I-I w-wo-woke u-up e-e-ear-early..." I curse myself for being so weak and stuttering.

"What did I tell you about stuttering! You sound like a pussy!" My dad yells at the top of his lungs.

"S-Sor-sorry.." I say looking down guilt rushing over me for not obeying.

Just then I heard footsteps and he slaps me across the face. 

"Quit stuttering like a pussy!" He screams in my face.

I shiver from fear and I feel the tears building up from behind my eyes.

"Quit your shivering and man up!" I hear my brother call from the doorway.

"I know right! He is a pussy! Fat and worthless." My dad smirks at my brother.

I look down taking in all the words they were throwing at me.

"Yeah, it would be better if he just died." My brother said and walked off.

"I agree with your brother, now get up and go to school." My dad spits in my face and walks away.

I really dread going to school everyday. (Except weekends)

I get up like my father said and limped to get my backpack then I left to walk to school.

Every step hurt so bad I felt like giving up right there and then but sadly I arrived after 20 minutes of walking.

Bruises|Jimin X BTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora