'Why am I even entertaining this psycho... ' she thought

Ananya : Whatever weirdo, don't text again, I won't warn next time...

She replied and blocked the number and put her phone in the drawer...

After sometime, Deepika walks inside her cabin and Ananya smiles

'Hey bride to be... Wassup...?' Ananya teased her and Deepika smiled weakly

'I am good, just enjoying my last week here, and from monday, back to Delhi... ' she sighed, sitting on the chair opposite to her

'You seem to be tensed Deeps... Is everything okay...?' Ananya asked concerned

'Yeah I am fine... ' Deepika smiled

'Deepika soon to be Thapar, you know you can't lie to me right..?' Ananya gave her a suspicious look

'Nothing is wrong Ananya... ' Deepika lied

'Please Deeps, now I am 100% convinced that you are not fine, Tell me na... ' Ananya coaxed

Deepika sighed and then look at Ananya teary eyed

'I think Ved doesn't love me anymore... ' She says her voice cracking

Ananya was shocked, because this certainly cannot happen,Ved only loved her and everyone knows this

'What are you saying Deeps...? It's impossible...' Ananya exclaimed

'I think he lost interest in me... ' Deepika says wiping her tear

'What nonsense, why would you think that...?' Ananya asked holding Deepika's hands

'He stopped responding to my calls and texting me since I came here, it's been a week ! And we haven't spoken with each other for more than a hour, something is wrong Ananya I am saying, Ved is changed... ' Deepika cried

'You are being paranoid Deeps, Bhai must be busy, Maa also told me, he has a lot of pending work in the office, which he must complete before the wedding... So maybe that's why he isn't responding... ' Ananya said

'Atleast he should find sometime for his fiance.. ' Deepika said sadly

'I think this pending work burden came to him, because he was spending a lot of time with his Fiance... ' Ananya narrowed her eyes

Deepika looked away in embarrassment

'Don't become his distraction Deeps, or else one day he will leave you, I know my brother, if something distracts him too much, he abandons that thing... ' Ananya said and Deepika looked at her scared

'You mean Ved will leave me one day...?' She asked

'If you continue to pester him and fight with him for attention, he will eventually leave you... Love should give you happiness, not constrict you...' Ananya said calmly

'What..! I don't fight... ' Deepika began, but Ananya gave her a look and she sighed

'Yeah okay, but I can't live without speaking to him for one day... I wonder how you survived without Aayan being with you for a month after the wedding... ' Deepika exclaimed and Ananya fisted her hands under the desk

'See, even after wedding don't fight with him for not giving time, try to be a understanding wife Deeps, how will you feel if I continuously call you and complain that you don't like me anymore, when you are genuinely very busy and can't call me...?' Ananya asked and Deeps looked down in shame

Ananya smiled, and made her look up
'My brother is very lucky that he has you Deeps, but excess of love can also get toxic naa... I am not saying don't love him, but just give him space... ' She said and Deepika nodded

I Will Never Be YoursDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora