chapter twenty six

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The show was finally over Rakish, took a couple of pictures and answered some questions then ran to Aron, who was happy to have him back in his arms.

"Come with me Aron, I want you to meet my family" Rakish, said happily and dragged Aron, where his family stood and waited for him.

He hugged everyone who were very surprised yet very pleased by his change in attitude.

"Mom, dad and others this is my fiancé Aron,"  he announced proudly making his family chuckle and he pouted.

"Hello everyone I'm Aron Main, and I love your son so may I please have your blessing to have him as my wife?".

Rakshie , smiled and hugged Aron, with four simple words, "you have my blessing", the others did the same til it came for Pushka , to do the same.

He wondered if he could entrust his son to some other man who was not him.

Then again he could always kill the guy if he hurt Rakish , he smiled a smile that said he had made up his mind .

He shook Aron's hand and whispered to his ear , "I'll buy a gun just in case you hurt him" then he let go and smiled brightly.

Aron, looked deadly pale making Rakish, and the others wonder what he said.

Rakshie ,had his suspension, "you used the gun thing right?" Pushka , just smirked , "oh beautiful, you know me so well".

He pulled Rakshie , into a slow and the others did the same to their partners . Sauna, cleared her throat , "single fifteen year old in the building people".

At that everyone laughed . Aron's parents joined the crew , Aron, introduced his parents, "these are my parents everyone , Marry Ann and Christian Main".

Everyone got to know each other and went out to eat together Anna and Bella invited.

So Rakish, "you said you had an assistant for me?" Rakshie asked , "yes mom, this is my friend Anna and the other one is Bella" .

"Nice to meet you two" , "Anna, is the one who designed my clothes and now your new assistant". Rakshie smiled "welcome sweetheart".

They ate happily and everything went great. The next month everything was a hustle with everyone preparing for the wedding.

Aron, intended to keep to his word and marry the second month besides he could not wait to have Rakish, in his arms forever .

The day of the wedding everything was buzzing the first had the wedding in Rakish's home the traditional way then in NY both times Rakish, looked like a queen.

He put on women clothes for the wedding then man clothes for the reception. He truly was magnificent.

For the honeymoon they went to a island far away from. Rakish, looked around their room it looked like it was made for royalty.

"Wow Aron, this place is superb" . "I know, only the best for my queen" he said with an easy going smile.

Rakish, returned the smile and put their clothes away , "I'm going to take a shower" said Rakish, as he entered the luxurious bathroom.

Aron, fixed everything up creating the most romantic atmosphere possible. He lit candles and threw roses on the bed and on the floor the room smelled amazing.

Rakish, finally came out in his night clothes and gasped , he had no words Aron, was just too sweet. So much effort just to tell him he wanted to fuck him.

He laughed at his own thought and decided to tease Aron. "Oh love its so beautiful pity I'm tired we could have really had a good time".

Aron, could not believe it he felt like hitting something or crying , could Rakish, not see a guy was sexually frustrated?.

"Your joking right?" he asked hopefully. "Love are you not coming to bed?" Rakish, asked innocently, he loved seeing that frustrated look on Aron's face.

"No, I think I'll sleep on the couch tonight" . Rakish, raised his brow , "my what a pity and I was thinking my husband would ravish me on our first night guess not".

Rakish, took off his shoes and proceeded to walk towards their king sized bed.

Not even seconds later Aron, had him pinned on the bed and was kissing him passionately.

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