chapter eighteen

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Aron, told Rakish, about his suspicions. "So lovely how good are your acting skills?" Rakish, suddenly grinned then his face turned super serious.

"How could you ask me to do that?" he asked his voice sounding angry ,"I have had enough of this relationship Aron, leave my room and take your drama with you , your mother is your own problem".

Aron, was stunned was Rakish, seriously breaking up with him? that caused him to panic and his possessive side showed itself.

"No, you will not leave me and if you do I'll kill any man you will be with next"  his eyes had darkened and he was breathing heavily.

He picked Rakish, up and placed him against the wall then kissed him the kiss was hurried and bruising, conveying a message to Rakish, so he'll know who he belongs to.

After they broke the kiss Rakish, chuckled, "so what do you think of my acting skills love?" seeing that he was fooled Aron, also chuckled .

"Damn baby you had me worried there for a second", "so you really were going to kill my next lover?" Rakish, asked his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"I'd kill anyone for you" Aron, said kissing Rakish, sweetly . "So lovely here's the plan".

They talked over the plan then put it into action , hearing his aunt Saburu , was involved he became more eager to find out what was going on.

"I have had it with you I don't ever want to see you again!!" Yelled Rakish, putting much anger into his voice, "fine I'll never come back here again!!".

Aron, winked at Rakish, then stormed out slamming the door shut , after that Rakish, slid to the floor fake tears streaming down his cheeks .

Anna and Bella came to comfort him. Rose and Merissa, watched the scene with happy grins , finally Rakish, was in pain. Merissa, could not wait she called Saburu , who was delighted to hear the news of the two breaking up, it was a happy day for her she even thought of asking  her husband out on a date.

Aron, called Merissa and told her to meet him at her house. They met up just as Saburu , was fixing herself of her date. I have to use the rest room he said and past by Saburu's room.

"Oh dear Lisa, your secret is safe with me Chris, will never find out what happened to Marry". After hearing that he went to the rest room.

He had found out out something important and wanted to know what. Him and Merissa, had a date and he still found her extremely annoying.

"Dad can I ask you something ?" Aron, asked Chris, as they sat in his office the next day.

"Yes son what is it?", "who is Marry?", "You mean Marry Ann?","yes dad".

"She is my former wife she died a long time ago and I married Lisa, soon after, Lisa, gave birth to you the same day Marry died. They said she drowned in the ocean and her body was never found , some people had the theory it was eaten by sharks".

"Dad that story does not make sense, did you cheat on marry?"."Uh no... It was more like a drunken mistake , I did not remember anything the next day" .

Aron, raised his brow , "you did not remember a thing?","no she told me we slept together and after a  month she told me she was pregnant".

"So did you love Marry, dad?","yes she was my wife , I loved her very much I still do".

Chris's eyes clouded with sadness as he remembered the happy times with his wife and even after all these it still hurt not knowing where her body was.

"Don't worry dad I'll figure it out". "Figure what out?",Chris, asked curiously. "As I said dad don't worry about it, okay , oh and dad which hospital did mom give birth at? St hall hospital".

"Thank you dad I'll see you later". Now all he had to do was update Rakish, on what was happening so far.

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