chapter twenty

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Rakish, stood in front of Aron's door contemplating whether he should knock or ring the door bell.

He was worried how Aron, was going to take the news . Rakish, was so lost In thought he did not realise the door was now opened til arms wrapped around him and soft lips connected with his.

"Hello lovely" Aron, greeted holding Rakish, gently , "please come in no one as pretty as you should be outside for so long . What will people say. That I can't treat my queen right?"

that made Rakish, laugh a little, Aron, could be so silly sometimes but that's what he loved about Aron.

"Have you eaten yet ?" asked Aron, hopefully, "no, why?", "I'm really hungry" Aron, said looking at Rakish, again hopefully.

Rakish, looked at him before he spoke "then let's order some pizza" he said just to tease Aron. Aron's eyes widened, he held Rakish, closer to him "please cook for me lovely".

Rakish, smiled he loved this side of Aron, too , "fine let's go to the kitchen" Rakish, put on an apron and began to cook happily.

Aron, was mesmorized by the scene it was just so magical, he imagined Rakish, cooking for him when they got married he could not wait.

They ate peacefully then got on to more pressing matters. "I found out something today at the hospital".

Rakish, proceeded to tell Aron, everything Dr Villain, told him. "So Lisa, is not my mother , Marry is?" Aron, asked to confirm he had  heard right.

"Yes , I don't know what happened but something is not adding up , why would Marry just disappear into thin air and why was Lisa, there that very moment?".

"That is not the strangest thing , I also did some digging and found out they never  registered Marry, as dead and her and my father are still married which means he can't marry Lisa".

"So Lisa, tricked your father into thinking their married?", "I believe so. Now all we have to do is find Marry, I have a feeling she's still alive".

"Your right" , Rakish, agreed "I'll look into it so should you". The two nodded and fell into a thoughtful silence.

The next day Rakish, went to the state office and asked information about Marry Ann Main. The Lady there was rude so he threatened her job which got her working.

She found out Marry Ann, had changed her name to Anita Collins. He thanked her and left , on his way back to the pageant building he called Aron.

"Hello cup cake" , "hey love , look I found something out ,Marry changed her name to Anita Collins, find out where she lives and all that".

"Okay thanks lovely" , "your welcome" , "now I really have to go and practice in four days the pageant talent show is happening".

"Okay bye lovely , I love you", "I love you too", said Rakish, with a sweet smile on his pink lips.

He met up with Bella and Anna and they helped him with his make up then practiced more walking on high heels.

Later that night he just fell onto his bed and closed his eyes , he had on a short silk night dress and was ready to hit the hey.

Just as his eyes closed his phone rang , he sighed and answered it. "Hello I'm trying to sleep", at that Aron, chuckled , "oh dear you won't even make time to talk to your future husband?".

"Well does my future husband not want me to rest after a long , stressful and annoying day ?" .

"I'm sorry for waking you lovely but I found out where Marry is hiding and we need to go there now".

"Come on please Aron, let me rest we'll go in the morning". "Please Cup cake, this is really important I want to meet her and the sooner everything is over the sooner I can have you in my arms with no distractions".

"Okay fine where are you now ?","I'm almost at the front of your building hurry" .

Rakish, just stood up put on his flip flops and went to wait for  Aron, outside. "Damn" someone said then another whistled making Rakish, roll his eyes.

"Hey sweetheart want us to give you a ride ?" asked one of the guys. "No thank you" , Rakish, politely declined. "Aw come on pumpkin we'll have a good time".

He glared at them ,the thought of being touched by these guys disgusted him. "Move on creeps I'm not Interested in you". The guys got angry and exited the car before they could even reach Rakish, who was prepared to fight to save his virtue .

Aron, stepped out of his car and he was seething, he was next to Rakish, in seconds.

He held Rakish's waist possessively, "don't even think about touching what's mine if you value your hands", his voice was low and dangerous .

The guys got shook up by that and his deadly glare. They all got into their car and drove away. "My Knight In shinning armour" said Rakish, after a long silence just to ease the tension.

He could feel Aron, was trembling and knew his man was mad.

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