chapter twenty one

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Rakish, looked up at Aron, and saw his eyes were dark and he was still looking at the place where the guys had left a while ago.

"Aron, calm down love, they did not touch me see", Aron, looked at Rakish, "your mine is that clear ?" he asked Rakish, whose heart skipped a beat when he heard that possessive voice.

"All yours love" , "only mine", "only yours". Aron, pulled Rakish, close and kissed him passionately , Rakish, stopped it before it could go far since he did not want them to be discovered.

He pulled Aron, to his car and they drove away after making sure Aron, was calm , Rakish, fell asleep he really was exhausted.

Aron, drove his mind a bit calm now, he could not believe those guys tried their luck on Rakish , his Rakish, his cup cake , his lovely , his baby.

He gripped the steering wheel  tighter and just drove the three hours to where his biological mother lived.

He finally got there and stepped out, Marry, lived In a small and broken down house that seemed to have no one living in it.

Aron, did not want to wake Rakish, up so he carried him bridal style out of the car and walked to the small house . he knocked on the door since it did not have a doorbell.

A few minutes later a woman in her early fifties but looked younger opened the door ,she had her brown hair that was having a bit of white on it in a burn and looked rather tired.

"Hello miss, are you Anita Collins?" asked Aron, hopefully. "Yes young man who are you?", "I'll tell you can I come in first I want to lay my beloved down".

The woman nodded and moved aside to let Aron, in. Even though they were sitting down Aron, still did not put Rakish, down he just let him sleep on his lap.

The woman made them a cup of tea and sat down on a love seat leaving  Aron, to sit of the three sitter couch. "My name is Aron Main and this is my love Rakish Rhizada".

Aron, looked up from Rakish's peacefully sleeping face and found slow tears falling down the woman's eyes. "Aron?" her voice cracked , "how did you find me and do they know? Oh my god they will kill you , I said I'll never show my face in front you and your father again".

"Mother calm down those two witches did not follow us. They don't know anything about me trying to find you".

At hearing her son call her mother, Marry, let her tears fall more . "I missed you so much you and your father , I'm so sorry I missed you growing up, taking your first step, saying your first words. Oh my god what kind of mother am I ?".

"Mother look don't cry just tell me the whole story".

"When Chris, and I met he was already in an arranged marriage to Lisa. Chris, and I fell in love and he called off their marriage. Lisa, was not happy that happened so she tried everything to break us apart. I don't know how she found out I was pregnant but she told me if I told Chris, about the pregnancy she'll make sure my baby never sees the world, I was frightened for your life so I hid the pregnancy from Chris, til I gave birth  I told the doctor to name you Aron. It felt so magical having you in my arms at that moment I did not hear her enter. She took you from my arms and pointed a gun on your small forehead. At that moment I got on my knees and begged her not to kill you, she just laughed then spoke. If you want him to live I'll  have to kill you, so which do you choose yourself or this curse of a baby?. Like any mother would I chose you , that moment she shot me and I collapsed . I was surprised when I woke up again , I thought I was dead, I told  doctor Villain, to tell everyone I just disappeared from the hospital and he agreed".

"So you saved my life by risking yours?","yes dear but really she could still want to kill you, so you should go home and pretend you never saw me".

"No mother I'm going to expose Lisa, and make her confess and I also want to find out how Saburu ,is involved in this".

"She was in on the plan , Lisa said she'd help Saburu Carry  her child for her if she'll help her get rid of me. You see Saburu , can't have kids , Merissa, is Lisa's biological child . I heard their plan when I was about three moths pregnant, they drugged the mayer and instead of him sleeping with Saburu he slept with Lisa" .

Aron's eyes were wide at that peace of information so they both had secrets to keep from each other that explained Lisa's loyalty to Saburu.

"Mom we can't let dad leave in the dark he needs to know". Marry, sighed "I know".  

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