chapter twenty four

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Rakish,  breathed in and out the day of the fashion show had finally come.

Millions and millions of people around the world would be watching them , the was no time for mistakes .

He heard the crowed  yell and felt like he was going to pass out , could he really do this? he asked himself.

"Let's see how you do today loser" Rose, said Walking on the stage , Rakish, was very troubled he had not seen Aron, that day at all and was very disappointed.

The first activity was the talent show there were so many of them and he was the last one he wondered would they enjoy his act in the talent show or would they not?.

Everything progressed like that , everyone did their talents which were amazing even Rakish, had to give credit were credit is due.

He had never knew Merissa, was so flexible, no wonder she had won for five years straight you could hear the crowd cheer for her which made Rakish, rethink his act , was it good enough ? would people cheer for him? he had never had so many insecurities in his life.

Finally it was his turn he was nervous, he was also glad the fashion show was held at night this way his act could he more admirable.

The lights switched off and he began to sing, his voice was was carried from all around the room and was melodious and sweet.

The light went back on but only on him , he had on a golden two piece Indian skirt , the clothing showed off his flat stomach and curves .

He left his hair to flow in the air as the beat came on. He moved his hips to the beat it seemed the whole room had become quiet .

Everyone looking only at him, no one moves, only their eyes followed his movements.

Rakish, lost himself in the music, as he danced he remembered when he was a child and his mother taught him and his siblings how to dance .

He smiled remembering how him and Vishnu did a better job at dancing than Misha.

His smile memorized everyone, finally the  beat became slow til it stopped. For a while no one moved , no one did anything still in a daze .

One finally clapped then another followed soon everyone was clapping . Rakish, looked at the front row and saw his mother, father , Sauna , Vishnu and Misha with their significant others.

Everyone was there and he was so happy he had missed his family a lot.

He finally got off the stage when he was tripped his ankle hurt when he stood up and Merissa and Rose just laughed .

"Let's see how you walk on that" they sneered. He scrunched his face in pain and finally he felt  tears run down his cheeks.

"Mummy" he called in a hurt voice. It was like Rakshie , heard his son calling he told everyone he was going to check on Rakish , they nodded and said they'd meet Rakish, after the show.

Rakshie , asked where he could find Rakish, and they told him. He found him with Bella and Anna who where trying to coax him but were failing.

He quickly ran to them , "oh my what happened?", "The evil sisters Merissa and Rose happened" Anna, said with hate in her voice she did not even see who she was talking to.

"Oh baby boy are you okay?" Rakshie , asked in a soft motherly voice making Rakish, look up and fall into his mother's arms "no mommy I'm hurt".

Rakshie, knew when  hurt Rakish, could be such a child and he loved him like that.

"Don't worry I'll fix your ankle up for you" Rakshie , took out a home made remedy from his self designed bag and began to massage Rakish's ankle it hurt so much he cried but he felt the pain begin to disappear, after a few minutes he felt better.

He hugged Rakshie , tightly "thank you mom," "your welcome sweetheart, now pretty yourself up and go own that show I believe in you".

Rakshie , kissed Rakish, on his cheek then walked away with one last smile to Rakish, and his friends.

After he had disappeared Anna and Bella, got out of their daze, "oh my god we just met thee Rakshie Baja Rhizada fashion designer, chef and business legend, that means even Pushka Rhizada is here" .

The girls were both hyperventilating , "calm down bitches , I need my make - up done, it's about time I showed Ursula how Ariel won prince Eric" .

The two laughed and got to work.

being my twin sister*(BOOK 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin